Sunday, January 13, 2008

Shop Talk – January 2008

"Happy New Year"


President Don (Sully) called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at 7:00 p.m. at Oak Harbor Elks Lodge January 8, 2008. There were 82 in attendance. Previous minutes approved as published in the newsletter and website.


New members and Getting Re-acquainted


Sully asked if new member Gary Lawrence was in attendance but was not, oh by the way he is member Todd Stephenson's father-in-law. All of us will are looking forward to meeting Gary in the near future. Current members Forrie and Molly McIntosh introduced themselves and told us they have two classics which are a 1936 Chevy and a 1948 Ford Pickup from Anacortes. Jimmy Flowers mentioned it would be a good idea if we all get a chance to drive their classics????(Ha!) It was very nice to be re-acquainted and we hope to see you at future Cruzer events and cruises.


Treasurer's Report


New treasurer Virginia Teker had no report at this time. A full report will be made in February for December 2007 and January 2008. A turnover has not been accomplished and former treasurer Jim Rairigh is on a road trip with his son who is a trucker driver.




Virginia is collecting membership dues. Dues are $25 per member to be paid up by no later than February 2008. The 2008 stickers for your ID cards will also be available next meeting. Only paid members will appear on a 2008 roster. You can mail a check specifying who the dues are for to Whidbey Cruzers, P.O. Box 1875, Oak Harbor, WA 98277. You may also contact her at 360-675-8375 or possibly catch her Friday's at the Pizza Factory.


Cruz Committee


Current Cruz chairperson is Don(Sully)Sullivan is looking to be replaced. Anyone interested in this position please contact him and he will tell you what's involved any how to start and be a resource for any help needed. Two people could co-chair and work together. Stop and talk to him at the Pizza Factory Friday's.








Harry Abbott just got a new picture for the book. New members or current members can submit new pictures or update old pictures of their vehicles and member profiles. He read some past trivia about the club starting with the third year the Whidbey Cruzers were in existence 1999.


January newsletter said we had $750 collected, but treasurer's report said there was only $140? What happened, someone had a party? A motion was made to cruise Kow Korner Drive-In every Friday night. February meeting cancelled, due to lack of electricity. Smitty's car show had over 100 cars. Car Fines started April and each month the number of fines increased. Club won a participation award in Anacortes. It was discussed to limit membership to 80 people. July was a very busy month for events such as Fourth of July Parade, Blue Fox Drive-In, Poker Run and more for a total of about 7 or 8. August Jim Smith reported on the Post Falls Idaho Burnout and Bikini Car Show contest, no news that he looked at any old cars. Four out of six Cruzers trophied at the Snohomish Car Show which from a choice of 500 cars was a very good show. In September the Rainbow Tour to Lake Chelan was headed up by Sully(Rainbow Coalition?) and the President had no more free plaques. Treasury was taken over by Gail Jaeger(who is no building a house, Ha!) and membership had climbed to 100.


Harry's historical reports are hysterical, come to a meeting and listen, it's hard to write what he says because he tells it like nobody else.


Sunshine Committee


Darlene had Mr. Sunshine(Ed) give her report because she as been babysitting their granddaughter. Ed's been bachin'it so he thinks he's lost some weight? Anyway, since the November meeting Bruce Biddle came through his Bypass with flying colors who thanked the club for the emails, cards, money offers, and specifically one person who offered to do the unmentionable if necessary, let's see he mentioned his fanny? Ted's wife.

Jim Smith finally returned after going through a tough year of hip replacement, prostate cancer and is looking good. Ed gave us a basic recap of past surgery's and reported that we did not lose anyone last year which was wonderful to hear. Hopefully 2008 is just as successful as 2007!!


Social Committee


Lyla told us of several events:

A.W. Asian BistroJanuary 19. Cruise to Fairhaven for a variety of Asian Cuisine. Flavors include Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Hawaiian and Mongolian. Vicki and Sully had lunch there and were very pleased with the service and food. Depart Flowers Marine at 2:30 pm.

2. Pre-Valentine Potluck – February 9. Ray and Nancy Southard are inviting us to bring a potluck dish to share and BYOB at 6:00 pm. Wear Valentine colors and have some fun!!

3. Tom Patton's 50th Birthday Party – March 15. Former and long time member is finally turning 50 and having a party. Tom knows about it but doesn't know what's all involved, did I hear a D.J.? It's a potluck so bring a dish and your own BYOB. It will be at the Dugualla Bay Club House. 6:00 pm. They will have a keg of beer, assorted sodas and eating utensils. Directions: From Oak Harbor on Hwy 20, before you get to Dugualla Bay, turn East on Frostad Rd, go straight ahead past the totem sign, 1st Rd to left, keep lefts going until you reach the clubhouse.

4. St. Patrick's Day Parade – March 17. It
falls on a Monday this year, it's short and if you want to see few leprechauns wandering around that's the place to be. Downtown on Pioneer Way at 4:00 pm.


Cathy Carul who is our contact with the ANY SOLDIER campaign is looking for newer Car and Motorcycle Magazines to send overseas. Please call her a 360-679-2211 if you wish to donate.


There is some mystery about another Pat Ferril's Museum Shop Tour of Stanley Steamers and a collection of old Stuff. Jimmy Flowers said he just completed his 5th. Jimmy asked for a list of people who would like to cruz to Sedro Woolley. Jimmy and the list will determine the time and date, so get your name on the clipboard or contact Lyla.

Jimmy would like to set up a short trip to attend SEMA in Las Vegas at the Convention Center. It's a Specialty Automotive Manufacture's Display, largest car show ever. Fly out on Nov 3 and return the evening on Nov 6, and expect to have expenses round $1000 for 4 days. Sounds like a guy's trip, but if the wives want to tag-a-long expense would double? and they would probably be on their own when the guys tour. FINE, BE THAT WAY, RIGHT GIRLS!!!? It will take about 3 months to put this together to call Lyla or contact Jimmy ASAP.


Whidbey Cruzer Website


FYI. When you open the website you should be listening to MP3 music, if you don't and you have dialup or less than DSL Broadband you will not hear it. It's Lloyd Williams fault who called Ed Hammond about "The Valley Cruisers" out of Alaska website. We stole their music. Check it out, and for events/happenings click on the Calendar and date. Click on the event and another window will open with details. Ed has put all updates on the website. You may address questions about the website to Ed Hammond 360-675-5710. If you want something input on the website send it to him.


Car Show Committee


Our new chairman Pat Covello had no car shows to list at this time. He will start getting the "CRUZ In" Magazine and a "GOOD GUYS" calendar soon and start listing upcoming shows. Pat read an interesting article from a friend of his about the Tacoma Toppers, Lance Lambert TV broadcast on Comcast On Demand, etc. and a little dejavu. Call and ask him about it, I'm sure he would love to chat about it in detail.


New Business:


Harry Abbott asked about the Rendezvous or "This is not a Car Show" Committee and what to do about. He brought the subject up so guess what, "you're in charge". We can pick a warmer date, do we invite another organization to join us, have crazy fun trophies, etc. A committee was formed with Harry at the Wheel to decide what to do. Those who volunteered to help him are Ray Payeur, Duane Dillard, Jim Gleeson and Larry Smith. Call Harry if anyone else is interested. 360-240-8474.




1. Coolant or Antifreeze – Do not use orange colored antifreeze. The following websites have information on this subject. and If you do not have a computer or access to these websites talk to Ron Teker some Friday at the Pizza factory or contact him at 360-675-8375 and he will be glad to talk about it.

2. Information on oils: "S" rated oils that are made today do not have the zinc required for wearing. Zinc destroys catalytic converters and that is why they are removing that from the new oils. SO YOU NEED TO USE OIL THAT IS FOR DIESELS! It is better oil than the oil for cars. Same price too.

Look for oils that have ratings on the can CI-4 and CI-4 Plus. Common brands of this oil are Shell Rotella-T, Mobile Delvac, Chevron Delo-400, Kendall GT-1 Diesel Motor Oil, and Castrol Tection Extra.

Do not buy the CJ-4 oil! It only has a trace amount of zinc in it. Look for the labels on the can. "C" stands for compression ignition. "S" for spark ignition. This info was generously provided again by Mr. Ron Teker, so if you have questions or more info talk to Ron. Thank You Ron.




FOR SALE: Century Mig Welder, 110 V, Comes w/carb and regulator. "NO TANK" $ 130. Contact Forrie McIntosh 425-864-9223


WANTED: 1964-65 Chevelle Speedometer. Contact Pat Covello 360-678-8758


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified. 360-679-7936.


Calendar of Events at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location                        _ ___POC____


01/19                Dinner Social Cruz                 A.W. Asian Bistro/Fairhaven             Sully

02/9 Pre-Valentine Gathering Southards Home    /961 W Yates Rd                    360-675-2925

03/15 Tom Patton's 50th Party                 Dugualla Bay Club House                                    360-675-2925





50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes: Bucket Babe – Gail Jaeger


I'd like to thank all the Cruzer's who generously donated the door prizes listed below. GREAT ITEMS!! One person's garbage is another's treasure!!

Congratulations to Jim Gleeson, you lucky dog!!!! Did you offer to share?


50/50 Winner: Jim Gleeson $126.00


1. 2 Woodie T-shirts – Donney Speck/Willie Christmas

2. 2 #5 T-shirts – Chuck Jaeger/Mike Slack

3. Cruzer T-shirt - Unknown

4. Clock – Ted Mann

5. 1936 Ford Cabriolet – Ron Teker

6. Binoculars – Ed Hammond

7. Delivery Panel Pickup Model – Rudy Parhaniemi

8. GMC Pickup Model – Larry Smith

9. Ball Cap – Judy Barnum

10. 155pc Tool Set – Bruce Johnson

11. Wine Butler – Carol (Ray's Oban's Companion)

12. Tape Measure – Archie Lillis

13. Mini Duster – Jim Gleeson

14. T-Bar Driver Set – Archie Lillis

15. Black Squall Knife – Bill Morrow

16. "The Hawk" Knife – Don Barnum

17. 2 Hex Key Sets – Byron Baxley/Fred Benninghoff

18. Child's Folding Chair – Rollin Whited

19. Detail Kit – Dick Shanniak

20. Green Beret Knife – Ray Oban



Next Meeting:


The next meeting is Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. There will be a potluck at 6 p.m. and general meeting at 7 p.m. Bring a dish to share, utensils, plates, and a drink if you wish. Come and meet your new officers for 2008 and see what's going to happen this year. Please remember to sign in at the front entrance.







Maryann Nowicki                                            1

George Reeves          3

Molly McIntosh                                                4

Catherine Hernkind                                8

Don Sullivan                                                    13

Barrett Taft                                                    16

Jim Smith                                                                20

Joanne Taton                                                    20

Rollin Whited          21

Dick Shanniak                                                27

Ron Teker                                                                27






Victor/Judy Gabrenas         3

Jim Smith/Sandy Overton     14




1. Thank you for all the encouraging words and support for being your Secretary "AGAIN". I know the real reason is nobody wanted to do the newsletter. So that means you will help me meet my basic goal in regards to the newsletter, which is completing and getting the newsletter mailed and on the website by or before the 15th of each month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings or by the Friday following the monthly meeting.

2. Birthdays and Anniversaries - Those listed are names and dates we have in various treasury/membership/newsletter files. Virginia and I are currently updating our records. If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed or listed incorrectly and you would like to be included please contact me at 360-679-7936 or email me at


If you have any concerns, questions or need something please don't hesitate to call me. "I am here to serve you". Sounds a little corny doesn't it? No
comments from the peanut gallery, Lloyd! Thanks……..Joan


"From the Back Seat"


Ed Hammond always had his monthly comments listed under "From the Front Seat" so to be somewhat different I've made it "From the Back Seat". I use this term since my Mom always gave me directions from the back seat such as "Donnie there's a stop sign ahead" or Donnie the speed limit is 50". I attribute the fact that I have never had a ticket over the years to her keeping me in line and LUCK! You can always see things better when you are looking over someone's shoulder.


First, I want to thank everyone for allowing me to serve the club this year as President. I have a great group of people helping me and I hope we can make it enjoyable for everyone. Participation is the key to a fun time.


Second, I want to thank everyone for the great meeting and participation Tuesday. We had around 90 members present. I would hope that we will continue to have good turn outs. It is amazing to me what a great group of people we have and that we all enjoy each others company whether it's at a meeting, a social event, car show, or just cruzing. The club needs a couple of folks to come forward and be the Cruze directors for the coming year. It takes a little time/organization but is well worth it when you are out on the road with a fun group of people. Our members are some of the most talented people I have ever met. If you have an idea to make the club better let me know and we will see if we can make it happen. Looking forward to a great year.


Cruze until ya bruise …………Sully