Monday, February 11, 2008

Shop Talk – February 2008


"Happy Valentine's Day"


President Don (Sully) called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at 7:03 p.m. at Oak Harbor Elks Lodge February 5, 2008. There were 79 in attendance. Previous minutes approved as published in the newsletter and website.




Bruce Biddle introduced his next door neighbors as Roger and Melinda White who have a 300-Z Sports car. Prospective new members were introduced by Virginia Teker as Quentin and Michelle Raines and their two small cute children. Roger and Melinda, I hope your visit was a pleasant one and wish to see you again at many Cruzer events. Quentin and Michelle hope this visit is a confirmation of you joining our membership as Whidbey Cruzers. Any misspelled names I apologize.


Treasurer's Report: Virginia Teker


Virginia and Joan Reeves went to Jim Rairigh's home and did an audit of his records, we tore his records apart, checked the receipts, reconciled bank statements and couldn't find any mistakes, so we searched the house, garage and T-bucket and found no cash lying around, and concluded his records were in meticulous order.


DECEMBER 2007 V. Teker for J. Rairigh


BEGINNING BALANCE                                                                                                        10,382.26


    Dues                  300.00

Christmas party reservations



    2007 Christmas party expenses:

            Coachman Inn                                                                                (70.59)

Candy Bouquet                                                                        (633.19)

LaDonna Nickels (overpaid)                        (10.00)

Danny Vernon                                                                            (600.00)

Bella Muscia                                                                            (300.00)


2008 Christmas party deposit (CPO Club) (100.00)

Bay Printing – newsletter                                                                            (29.62)







JANUARY 2008 V. Teker


BEGINNING BALANCE                                                                                                            10633.86


50/50 January meeting                                                    127.00

Dues for 2008                                                                                    850.00



    2007 Christmas party expense

CPO Club (3433.06)

V. Teker – nametags (32.42)

D. Sullivan – door prizes                                        (16.23)

J. Reeves – postage                                                                (47.77)





Jim Rairigh has kept the club in such good financial standing for many years, thank you Jim.




Virginia reported 166 members at present. There are about 48 who have not paid. Dues of $25
per member are to be paid by no later than February 29, 2008 or you will be dropped from the membership. Paid identity stickers are now available for your membership cards and only paid members will appear on the new 2008 roster. You can mail a check specifying who the dues are for to Whidbey Cruzers, P.O. Box 1875, Oak Harbor, WA 98277. You may also contact her at 360-675-8375 or possibly catch her Friday's at the Pizza Factory.


Cruz Committee


No cruises planned at this time due to weather. Jimmy Flowers said he is setting up the Farrell Cruise for sometime in March probably March 8. Lyla said there were forty people signed up.


Current Cruz chairperson President Sully is still looking for some help. Anyone interested in helping please contact him and he will inform you what's involved and how to start and be a resource for any help when needed. Two people who co-chair means less work. Stop and talk to him at the Pizza Factory on Friday's.




Harry Abbott our "Hysterian" is slipping, he did not have any cute little tales to tell us. Harry gave the "History Membership Binder to our prospective incoming members the "Raines Family" so they could add they're classic vehicle(s)and family pictures to the book.

Sunshine Committee


Darlene Hammond reported she sent out five cards in the month of January to Eldy Neinhuis, Chuck Stone, Ofelia Champlin, Byron Baxley, and Judy Gabrenas. According to the verbal reports and those that came to the meeting all are well and doing better.


Social Committee


A.W. Asian BistroJanuary 19. Prez Sully told us there were 24 people and eleven cars that made the cruise to Fairhaven. Their route took them through Bayview and then on and around small Samish Island, who thought something was going on when they saw the cars. The route continued on thru Chuckanut Drive and to the Bistro. The attendants greeted everyone at the door and seated at a long table and gave super service and everyone had a great time.


Vic and Judy Gabrenas had a 40th year Anniversary Celebration at the Pizza Factory, Friday February 1st. Lots of beautiful pictures and CAKE!!!


1. Pre-Valentine Potluck – February 9. Ray and Nancy Southard are inviting us to bring a potluck dish to share and BYOB at 6:00 pm. Wear Valentine colors and have some fun!!

2. Tom Patton's 50th Birthday Party – March 15. Former and long time member is finally turning 50 and having a party. Tom knows about it but doesn't know what's all involved, did I hear a D.J.? It's a potluck so bring a dish and your own BYOB. It will be at the Dugualla Bay Club House. 6:00 pm. They will have a keg of beer, assorted sodas and eating utensils. Directions: From Oak Harbor on Hwy 20, before you get to Dugualla Bay, turn East on Frostad Rd, go straight ahead past the totem sign, 1st Rd to left, keep lefts going until you reach the clubhouse.

3. Don 'Toby' Tabach's 60th Birthday Bash – March 16. Ray and Nancy Southard are again providing the place for a party. Bring a potluck dish and BYOB. It starts at 3 p.m. Refer to Events calendar for address and phone number to inquire about directions to their home.


Anyone thinking about a social event or may want to set up one ask Lyla and she will advise you how to do this and what to consider. Contact her at 360-675-2925.


Car Show Committee


Pat Covello received several flyers which copies were made available to the membership. Car show schedule flyers were from GOODGUYS, CruZin' Magazine and from Canada ( Contact Pat if you need a copy at 360-678-8758. Car shows Pat mentioned are listed in the Events Calendar.


New Business:


St. Patrick's Day Parade – March 17. Sully received a call from Robby McGee involved with the Irish Wildlife Society, and is sponsoring the parade on the 17th. He is asking for as many cars as we can get to participate in the parade. Staging starts at 3 p.m. with parade starting at 4 p.m. Sully is asking for someone to step forward and coordinate this event, he will provide Robby's phone number for info. Contact Sully at 360-678-6032.


Holland Happening Parade – April 26. The club was informed that we could enter only six cars. Jimmy Flowers brought up the idea of a funny car float to get more club participation. Ideas were discussed on how to do this. Jimmy volunteered an old rusty broken jalopy?, and Sully volunteered his truck & trailer to haul it. Jimmy Flowers offered to head up this effort. Volunteers to be on this committee were Chuck Jaeger, Jim Croft, Ted Mann, Bruce Biddle, Sully and Smitty.


"This is not a Car Show" Rendezvous – Harry Abbott gave us a report on suggestions and ideas the committee came up with, and they are:

        1. Title : "SUMMER RENDEZVOUS"

        2. Date: July 26

3. Locale: 1. Blue Fox Drive-In – Manager said Yes! Advantages are food, Games, Go-Carts, etc.

                                                        2. Flowers/Car Depot – Lots of room, Catered by the Net Drive-In, tickets for meals, fun prizes provided by the club members, and small blocks of wood would be available for mounting, prizes such as best hood ornament, or gear shift knob.

                                                        3. Ford Dealership – It's now vacant, may cost us big! Show Off!

        4. Who's Invited: Majestic Glass Corvette Club, Twin City Idlers, and/or an open invite.

More thoughts and comments send to Harry Abbott at or call him at 360-240-8474.


The "Tom Roselli Memorial" Trophy decided at the April 2007 "Cruz'n the Harbor" Car Show for BEST CAR was awarded to Alma Williams.
It was noted that the award for the third time has gone to a woman! There has never been a male winner! This is "FOR THE GOOD OF THE ODER"!!! According to Alma this one she can keep and dust, the original will be given back to the club with all the dust on it!




Jiffy Lube (Next to AM/PM) – They offer a coupon book that supports the "American Heart Association" for $3.00 with lots of discount coupons for oil change, etc. plus more. A very good deal!




FOR SALE: Century Mig Welder, 110 V, Comes w/carb and regulator. "NO TANK" $ 130. Contact Forrie McIntosh 425-864-9223


WANTED: 1964-65 Chevelle Speedometer. Contact Pat Covello 360-678-8758


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified.


If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.


Events Calendar at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location                        _ ___POC____


02/9 Pre-Valentine Gathering Southard's Home    /961 W Yates Rd                360-675-2925

02/9-10 Corvette HiPer Show Puyallup                                                                360-786-8844

02/17                        Swedish Cruise XXX                                Issaquah, XXX Drive-In                                 206-365-6913

02/29-02 Seattle Roadster Show Seattle Exhibition Center 360-225-0275

02/29-02 Portland Roadster Show                                            Portland                                                                502-232-4567

03/4                        Potluck/General Mtg                                                    Elks Lodge 360-679-7936

03/15 Tom Patton's 50th Party                 Dugualla Bay Club House                                     360-675-2925

03/16                Toby Tobach's 60th Party                    Southard's Home/961 W Yates Rd 360-675-2925

03/17                St. Patrick's Day Parade                     Downtown Oak Harbor 360-678-6032

04/26                Holland Happening Parade                            Downtown Oak Harbor                                        




50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes: Bucket Dude – Jim Gleeson


There were a lot of terrific door prizes again this month to draw and give away. We had a lot of knives these last two months, is this a MAN thing? Thank You. I don't know but it seems to me that Bruce Biddle sure is LUCKY winning the big one!
Hasn't he won it a few times before? The following list of winners were:


50/50 Winner: Bruce Biddle $ 110.00


1. Sully – 55 Red Nomad Model

2. Suzi Souza – Mini Duster

3. Ed Barrett – 1950's Manual

4. Matt Hernkind – 2 Knives, Safari and Wildlife

5. Larry Smith – 2 Knives, assorted types

6. Sharon Covello – Cruzer Cookbook

7. Harry Abbott – Bobby Hamilton Jr. Truck Model

8. Brenda Ackley – Assortment of tape measure, T-shirt, mini duster, CD.

9. Matt Hernkind – T-shirt, hat, and fuzzy dice.

10. Ray Payeur – 3 assorted knives, one of which is a Hex Set.

11. Bruce Beamer – Hat and Fuzzy Dice

12. Duane Dillard – 2 assorted knives

13. Ray Southard – 2 knives, different types

14. Don Barnum – T-shirt, hat, and fuzzy dice

15. Brenda Ackley – T-shirt, hat, and fuzzy dice

16. Ed Barrett – Mini Duster

17. Duane Dillard – 2 knives, different

18. Ray Oban – 2 knives


Next Meeting: It's GREEN!!!!!!!


The next meeting is Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. There will be a potluck at 6 p.m. and general meeting at 7 p.m. Bring a GREEN dish to share, utensils, plates, and a drink if you wish. Come and meet your new officers for 2008 and see what's going to happen this year. Please remember to sign in at the front entrance.







Willie Christmas 5

Mary Fiddler                                                    5

Lisa Terrill                                                14

Arlene Terrill                                        18

Don Tabach                                                        18

LaDonna Nickels                                    25

Duane Dillard                                            30

Jim Gleeson                                                    30







Brice/Joline DeVos                                8

Bob/Carol Reamer                                    13

Ron/Virginia Teker                            19

Stan/Christine Grovdahl     22

Joe/Cheryl Spiker 23





This is the month of LOVE, and finally say (hee, hee) to your spouse's that you love each other. February the 14th is the day. Say it with words, a card, flowers, dinner, or maybe just spending some special time together. Those that already do this are way ahead in the LOVE game. You should do this not just in February but all year long, because you never know, when all of a sudden, you might not be able to do or say it again.


Please help me meet my basic goal in regards to the newsletter, which is completing and getting the newsletter mailed and on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings or by the Friday following the monthly meeting.


If you have any concerns, questions or need something please don't hesitate to call me. 360-679-7936.




"From the Back Seat"


Here it is another month has passed and it is still raining and cold. The warm and sunny weather can not get here fast enough for me. I need some roadster time!! The nasty weather is good for getting indoor shop projects started, and hopefully finished, before the summer cruze season starts. I am in the middle of getting the camaro roadworthy with an engine and suspension rebuild. It is amazing to me how many Cruzers volunteer their time and advice or equipment to help get things done on other Cruzer cars. The club members have a wealth of knowledge and it is there just for the asking. So the next time you are about to tackle a project ask a Whidbey Cruzer…They will help.


This months meeting was preceded by delicious pot luck. The pot luck is a great way to have some time to visit with friends and to mingle with new members and, of course, sample some really tasty food. I encourage you to introduce yourself to those you're not acquainted with. Once again we had a really good turnout for the monthly meeting even with the super nasty Tuesday display put on by Mother Nature.


I still need a volunteer for the Cruze director position and someone to coordinate the Irish parade on March 17th. Check the online calendar for upcoming events/functions. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.


Cruze till ya bruise…….Sully