Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shop Talk – May 2008


President Don (Sully) Sullivan called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at 7:05 p.m. at Oak Harbor Elks Lodge May 6, 2008. There were approximately 92 in attendance. Minutes were approved as published.




Carol Stone introduced (whom she just met at the meeting) guests John and Therese Kingsbury. I have no idea at this time what kind of vehicle(s) they own. Thank you for joining us.


Treasurer's Report for April: Virginia Teker


Beginning Balance (end of March) $ 9,126.03



50/50 115.00

Car Fines 26.00

Fun meters 12.00

Total 153.00



Bruce Biddle,

Colantoni Headers 88.64

P.O. Box Rental, 1 year 40.00

Bay Printing, April newsletter 30.79

Total 159.43


Ending Balance (end of April) $ 9,119.60




Sully announced two new members, Charles Terpenning who owns a Super Bee (Dodge Charger) and a Road Runner (Plymouth) year unknown and Carroll Pleasance who owns a 1961 Bentley and a Corvette. John and Therese Kingsbury submitted there applications and were approved by the Board at the end of the meeting. With the addition of these four members, our total membership count stands at 165 as of this meeting.


Car Fines


It's time to pay up! This was a great night to drive your classic/classy club vehicle. A lot of you did not disappoint. Next month hopefully will be better and I will report to you how much was collected. REMEMBER! It's $1.00 if you don't drive your club vehicle.


Cruz Committee


Flounder Bay Dinner Cruise, May 25 - Mel Rogers announced that Jim Gleeson has offered to set up a Dinner Cruise to Flounder Bay in Anacortes on Sunday May 25. There was a show of hands and interest so he will put out an email when this is confirmed and set up. Those who don't have email call Mel to see if this is a go and sign up! 360-678-7727.


North Cascade Cruise, September 19-21 - Mel has attentively set up a cruise through the North Cascades and stay 2 nights in Chelan, which he has a block of rooms reserved for us. He will send out an email and more next meeting.


Oak Harbor Auto Parts Car Show/Demo, June 22 - Need about 20-25 cars for a small car show using Les Schwab parting lot from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. O.H Auto Parts will be doing a few parts demos and will probably serve soft drinks and hotdogs or hamburgers. Contact Dan Terrill at 360-675-1334 if you want to show, he needs a count.




Harry Abbott brought out the vehicle membership book and passed it on to our new members the "Kingsbury's" to look at to see what they need to get in the history book. He also said he had some DVD's of past Whidbey Cruzer events and anyone can check them out from him and return back to him. Events included "Cruz'n the Harbor" Car Show 2007, Christmas Party 2007, Forty Niner Diner, and the "Roadster Show". Contact Harry.

Harry gave out to Larry awards, one to Larry Smith (which had to do with never working on another car again) and the other to Larry Brewer (something about no hair and a red corvette)? It would take to long to tell in writing so if you want to know more ask Harry or the two Larry's.


Sunshine Committee


Darlene sent a card to Doreen Gibson who is recovering from surgery; she actually came to tonight's meeting. Then Sully had some somber news about Randi Cairns. Bob called and said she's not doing well, she's not eating and she's not being fed, so it's just a matter of time. Bob, you and Randi are in our prayers, GOD BLESS!




Ed Hammond asked if we'd seen new cars on the website. Yes! He said that when the weather improves more pictures will be taken and website will be updated with new pictures.


Social Committee


1. Friday Creek Campout, May 15-18 – The campground is full now. Not camping, join in the potluck on Saturday the 17th to start about 1:00 p.m. Bring a potluck dish to share and BYOB. Contact Alma Williams for info and directions at 360-675-3956.

Memorial Day Parade, Coupeville, May 24. Whidbey Cruzers may enter their rides at no cost. Entry forms need to be filled out, so call Sully for info. Some may volunteer space in their car for Veteran's. The Navy Band Northwest will be performing at the end of the parade route in the park. See Ted Mann for the entry/application forms at 360-675-679-5115.

3. Frontier Ford Open House, June 7, 10:00 a.m. – Frontier Ford in Anacortes (Thompson Rd) is asking for some cars, all makes from 10:00 a.m. to 2 or 3 p.m. Sully will tell them that we will provide about 25 cars so they can make room for us. Sully will send out an email with complete details otherwise contact Sully at 360-678-6032 if you wish to show.

4. Toga Party, June 8, 12:30 p.m. – The Sullivan's are having a 60th birthday party bash for all those turning 60 this year. Togo means wear sheets, surprise everyone with the latest in toga wear. It's a potluck and BYOB. Virginia says she has instructions on how to dress Toga for both men and women (which are different), watch for an email or contact her.

5. Hotrod Social, June 25, Arby's, 6:00 p.m. – Bring your classic or classy vehicle and be sociable.

6. Jack's Park Picnic, August 10, 12 Noon - Potluck picnic for all, play games, stroll around the grounds. Mark the date.

Careage House Car Show, September 6 - More info to come from Suzi Souza.


** Lyla will be out of town from May 7 thru the 26, so check with Ed Hammond 360-675-5710 or the website


Contact Lyla about any of the above. Anyone thinking about a social event or may want to set up one ask Lyla and she will advise you how to do this and what to consider. 360-675-2925.


Car Show Committee


Pat Covello told us that car show that was scheduled in Anacortes on April 19 at the Chandlers Retirement Center was cancelled due to snow. Pat said it will be rescheduled at a later time because they really want us to show.


He mentioned a lot a car shows in the area and further away. See Events Calendar at a Glance for dates and contacts. If you know of a car show or want information please contact Pat. See back of newsletter for phone number.


Old Business:


Whidbey Cruzer "Rendezvous" - Harry Abbott gave a report on the committee's proposal for membership approval.

1. Date: Saturday, July 26, 2008, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

2. Location: Car Depot next to Flowers Marine

3. Cost: $9, Catered by Steve Summors, Hamburgers, fries, soft drink and a root beer float. They figured about 100 cars, 2 tickets per person, about $1800.

4. Committee wants to invite Majestic Glass and Twin City Idlers car clubs. Guess clubs would get 2 tickets each for the first 10 cars, any more they would pay the $9. There will be plenty of food for anyone who wants to pay.

5. Prizes or small awards given will be voluntary from club individuals who want make something. Some materials have been donated to make these.

Funny awards like Best Gear Shift, Loudest Paint Job, etc. Harry has a whole list of give away suggestions, just for fun.

6. Activities: Tricycle Game, Ring Throw, and Rope Throw.

7. Dash Plaques - $75. Committee wants to make up small dash plaques that say "Rendezvous" to hand out to everybody.

8. Pot-0-Potties: $150. For 6 potties.

9. Total Money: Approximately $ 2200.


Lots of discussion and concerns were talked about and finally a motion was made and seconded, then voted to accept the committee's proposal. It's approved.


New Business:


Club Car Plaques - $18 ea. There are only two plaques left in our inventory, so it was accepted to order 20 more plaques for the membership.




Subject: Oak Harbor Parades – Ed Hammond reported that the Holland Happening parade was a BUST! So he is taking on the task for the 4th of July parades to organize Whidbey Cruzers participation. Since the parade only allows a few cars, he wants to put a theme and start with the"20's", then next year the "30's","40's" and so on. Those cars will drive and others will walk dressed in fashions of that decade. Everyone will know that we exist! The membership agreed wholeheartedly.


Greenbank Farms Car Show and Car Museum – Car Show June 14 with early registration at HOME PLACE care facility on the 13th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Food available. Bob
Sines told us of a new building proposal for a large car museum in which there could be a rotating schedule to possibly display our classics for a couple months, great storage if needed. He requested if anyone interested in being apart of this effort to contact him at 360-240-8783 or email Larry Smith (Smitty) is already on board so you can contact Larry for his take on the plan. 360-675-6420.


WANTED: Used Steering boxes. Mullins Steering Gears from Torrington, CT will give you up to $90 for your used steering box. The list includes 55-57 Chevy cars, Chevy Vega, 62-67 Chevy Novas, Corvette, 65-77 Ford Mustang and Bronco and 62-82 Mopars (Dodge, Plymouth, and Chrysler). Questions and details concerning this offer call 860-482-8283 or email them at


**TRIVIA QUESTION: What was the first car to come equipped with ant-lock brakes?


A) Lincoln Continental Mark III C) BMW 1600


B) Shelby Cobra D) Jensen FF




FOR SALE: 2 Ford 8" rear ends out of 1966 Ranchero's. Contact Bud Ackley at 360-679-8363 or 360-929-0823. $ 150 each


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified.


If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.


Events Calendar at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location             POC


05/15-18 Lost in the 50's Car Show        Sandpoint, Idaho 208-265-LOST

05/15-18    Friday Creek Campout Off I-5/Skagit Valley Casino 360-675-3956

05/17-18 Monroe Swap Meet Monroe 800-645-4997

05/17        All Corvette Show Anacortes 360-299-9303

05/18 Open Car Show Anacortes 360-299-9303

05/24        Memorial Day Parade            Coupeville 360-675-2925

05/25-26 Cruz to Colby Everett 425-337-9335

06/03        Potluck/Cruzer Mtg O.H. Elks Lodge 360-679-7936

06/06-07 Old Schoolhouse Rock Car Show Superior, Montana 406-822-3589

06/07 Frontier Ford Open Anacortes/Thompson Rd 360-678-6032

06/08 Turn 60 Toga Party            Sullivan's/Coupeville 360-678-6032

06/14        Greenbank Car Show Greenbank Farms 360-929-1609

06/22 Berry Cool Car Show Burlington 360-848-7663

06/29 Twin City Idlers Car Show Stanwood 360-629-9253




50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes: Bucket Dude – Don Stultz


50/50 Winner: Jim Haddon $128.75


Door prize winners had their choice of the following: small knives, Whidbey Cruzer T-shirts, mouse pads, ball caps, detail car kit, Eagle One Protectant, Classic Car book, Christensen's Nursery Gift Certificates, cookbook, and card decks. Winners were Byron Baxley, Sharon Covello, Duane Dillard, Carol Reamer, Fred Benninghoff, Jim Rairigh, Jerry Rolfe, Judy Barnum, Herb Terrill, Larry Abram, Don Barnum, Harry Abbott, Jan McCullaugh, Alma Williams, and Brenda Ackley. Isn't it funny how some of the same people win month after month after month?


Next Meeting:


The next meeting is Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. There will be a potluck at 6 p.m. and general meeting at 7 p.m. Bring a dish to share, utensils, plates, and a drink if you wish. Come and find out what's happening socially, cruises, and car shows. New members meet the seasoned members and network about all kinds of cars.

Please remember to sign in at the front entrance.






Virginia Teker 4

Sue Beamer 5

Harry Gibson 8

Lloyd Williams 9

David Sweetwood 17

Don Barnum 18

Deanna Rogers 21

Angela Rapp 23

Tim Colantoni 25

Michael Slack 25

Kathy Hammer 26

Chuck Stone 28

Bob Brooks 29






Bob and Shari Brooks 4

Lyle and Teri Jones 5

Dan and Ofelia Champlin 6

Larry and Mary Jo Phillips 10

Duane and Lana Dillard 17

Ed and Darlene Hammond 17

Cal and Joan Mickelson 17

Gary and Grace Hsu 17

Carl and Joanne Taton 21


**TRIVIA ANSWER: D) JENSEN FF The first car to include anti-lock brakes was the 1966 Jensen FF which came equipped with the Dunlop Maxaret anti-lock braking system (originally developed for use on aircraft). Although crude by today's standards (and sometimes unreliable), the Jensen FF's anti-skid system was a huge technological breakthrough at the time. Three years later, in 1969, the Lincoln Continental Mark III improved on the idea, placing sensors on the rear wheels that modulated pressure on the rear brakes when they began to lock up.




I rec'd feedback from only one person about the "MY BIO" idea stated in April's newsletter, so I will not pursue the idea any further. Just remember at Cruzer functions and events introduce yourself to someone you don't know, come out of your comfort zone and make a new friend. The simplest introduction can be, for example: "Hello, I'm Joan Reeves and I have a 1970 Green Chevy Malibu" and conversation will go from there. Try it!


Please help me meet my basic goal in regards to the newsletter, which is completing and getting the newsletter mailed and on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings or by the Friday following the monthly meeting.


If you have any concerns, questions or need something please don't hesitate to call me. 360-679-7936.






No comments this month from the back seat!