Sunday, June 8, 2008

Shop Talk – June 2008


A TRIBUTE TO RAY OBAN – Thursday, June 12, 2008, 4:00 – 6:00 pm., Elks Lodge. Everyone's invited to this tribute and bring finger food to share, such as cookies or goodies for a reception. Cruzer jackets and/or casual attire.


President Don (Sully) Sullivan called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers was called to order 7:02 p.m. at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge on June 3, 2008. There were approximately 81 in attendance. Previous minutes were approved as published in newsletter.




Bruce Biddle introduced Brian Thompson, who bought one of his wrecks, oops, a project car, which is a '68' Mustang. Next Tom Corcoran introduced himself as new to the area and owns a '66' Sprint Mustang.


Treasurer's Report for May 2008: Virginia Teker


Beginning Balance                                                                                                                                     $ 9,119.60



Dues 100.00

50/50 128.00

Plaques (4) 72.00

Car Fines 18.75

Total 318.75



    Sully – door prizes (gift cert.) (30.00)

Joan Reeves – stamps (42.00)

Ed Hammond – July 4 parade fee (5.00)

Bay Printing – April newsletter (31.01)

Virginia Teker

Nametags                          56.09

Office Supl.Dues reminders 10.14

Receipt Book 3.46


Total (177.70)


Ending Balance $ 9,260.65




No new members as the beginning of this meeting. Virginia handed out several merit badges (nametags) to members who were actually at the meeting and/or who offered to deliver them. Craig Leathers, anyone know him? Call Virginia if you do. There were a few new members who paid by the end of the meeting, which were Rich Mann, Matt McMillan, and Brian Thompson.


Car Fines


It's time to pay up again! This was a night that was iffy for driving your classic/classy club vehicle. Last month money collected was $18.75?

Virginia explained that someone was being funny and instead of a buck paid with a Hong Kong $10 coin, with current exchange it's worth $1.28, so that funny guy overpaid $1.03? Neener, Neener! She suspects the funny guy was Harry Abbott?


Cruz Committee


Oak Harbor Auto Parts Car Show/Demo, June 22 - Need about 20-25 cars for a small car show using Les Schwab parting lot from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. O.H Auto Parts will be doing a few parts demos and will probably serve soft drinks and hotdogs or hamburgers. No bikini ladies will be on hand! Contact Dan Terrill at 360-675-1334 if you want to show, he needs a count.


North Cascade Cruise, September 19-21 – The cruise will start Friday, from Hwy 20 and stay at the Midtowner Motel in Chelan for 2 nights. Twenty-five rooms have been reserved; room rates are $75(1 bed) and $85 (2 beds). We will have a Fiesta dinner on Friday, Sept 19, so bring your favorite Mexican dish and appropriate dress for South of the Border. Saturday activities are open for suggestions. More details to follow as cruise date approaches. DON'T LIKE MOTEL'N? How about bringing your RV and camping at the City Park in Chelan. You can still join in on the activities. The campground should be fairly empty this time of the year. Contact Mel or Deanna Rogers at 360-678-7727 or 360-632-5791 with any questions and sign up or email them at




Harry Abbott had no specific report at this meeting; he just reported that he brought the History Book of cars to pass around to new and potentially new members. Larry Brewer and Pam Taylor had some payback for Harry, something to do with a plaque, hair wig, and a very special gift something to do with Viagra? Ask Larry, Pam or Harry to tell you the story!!!!


Sunshine Committee


Darlene reported that a card was sent to Katherine Christmas, who broke her hip, and sympathy card and flowers were sent to Bob Cairns whose wife, Randi, passed. 33 Cruzers attended her memorial in Edmonds.




No report from Ed. The website has been updated with current events and future car shows.


Social Committee


1. Summerhill Father's Day Car Show and Lunch, 12 Noon, June 13,165 SW 6th St. Can accommodate
15 cars.


Homeplace early entry, June 13, same time and right next door.


3. Oak Harbor Auto Supply Hangout, June 22, 10-4pm. - See Dan Terrill at 675-1334 for sign up.


4. Hotrod Social, Arby's, Wednesday June 25, 6 pm. – 38 have signed up. POC is Holmes 360-240-8924.


5. 4th of July Parade, - There will be 3 cars from the 20's and 13 cars from 30's in the parade. Need walkers in 20's and 30's dress. Ed has asked the Whidbey Playhouse to set aside June 16 at 6 pm., for those who would like to check out costumes for the parade. See Ed Hammond at 360-675-5710.


6. Cruzer Rendezvous, July 26 – Sign up with Harry Abbott, 360-240-8474.


7. Jack's Park Potluck Picnic, Jones Rd., August 10, 12 Noon – 13 signed up. POC is Lyla or Carol Stone, 360-679-2569


8. Friday Creek Campout, August 30-Sept. 1, - 6 spaces already taken, only 17 available. RSVP Alma ASAP, 360-675-3956


9. Careage Car Show and BBQ, September 6, 10-2pm. - No cost except for a donation to their pet fund. POC is Souza's 360-675-4523.


10. Chelan Loop Cruise, Sept.19-21, - Rooms filling fast, only 25 available. RSVP ASAP with Mel Rogers 360-678-7727


Contact Lyla about any of the above. Anyone thinking about a social event or may want to set up one ask Lyla and she will advise you how to do this and what to consider. 360-675-2925.


Car Show Committee


Port Townsend Car Show, August 16 – The club rec'd
a letter inviting our club participation. There will be lots of trophies for lots of categories, BBQ, raffles, T-shirts, shopping downtown, etc. The proceeds go to supporting the kids of Port Townsend. They are requesting a response to get an idea of how many to expect. This involves ferry reservations for us 30 days in advance. A sign up sheet will going around requesting info req'd for the reservation. Contact Pat Covello.


Check it out! Pat Covello has made a binder with a list of local (60 mi.) car shows, flyers rec'd, and car shows further away. We have Sharon, his wife to thank for the listings. He also had on hand a few grab car show flyers. He read off a few car shows coming soon. See Events Calendar at a Glance for dates and contacts. If you know of a car show or want information please contact Pat. See back of newsletter for phone number.


Old Business:


Harry mentioned that garbage cans were needed and also parking attendants were needed. Please sign up to get an idea of attendance. Here is the info posted again for those who didn't see it in last month's newsletter. Contact Harry.


Whidbey Cruzer "Rendezvous" - Harry Abbott gave a report on the committee's proposal for membership approval.

1. Date: Saturday, July 26, 2008, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

2. Location: Car Depot next to Flowers Marine

3. Cost: $9, Catered by Steve Summors, Hamburgers, fries, soft drink and a root beer float. They figured about 100 cars, 2 tickets per person, about $1800.

4. Committee wants to invite Majestic Glass and Twin City Idlers car clubs. Guess clubs would get 2 tickets each for the first 10 cars, any more they would pay the $9. There will be plenty of food for anyone who wants to pay.

5. Prizes or small awards given will be voluntary from club individuals who want make something. Some materials have been donated to make these.

Funny awards like Best Gear Shift, Loudest Paint Job, etc. Harry has a whole list of give away suggestions, just for fun.

6. Activities: Tricycle Game, Ring Throw, and Rope Throw.

7. Dash Plaques - $75. Committee wants to make up small dash plaques that say "Rendezvous" to hand out to everybody.

8. Pot-0-Potties: $150. For 6 potties.

9. Total Money: Approximately $ 2200.


Lots of discussion and concerns were talked about and finally a motion was made and seconded, then voted to accept the committee's proposal. It's approved.




Bill Waite said he had a black "letterman" type jacket, brand new, for sale, size medium, Dorothy didn't want it. $50? See Bill if interested.


Ted Mann shared with the membership that the Whidbey Cruzers took the "Participation Award" at the May 17th Waterfront Car Show in Anacortes.


**TRIVIA QUESTION: What year was the Corvette first introduced?


A) 1943 C) 1963


B) 1953 D) 1973




FOR SALE: Dayton 2 Car Garage Heater, 220V, 17,000 BTU, used one winter. With custom made wall bracket & wired with plug. New cost was $300. Now $250. Contact Patrick Covello at 360-678-8758.


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified.


If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.


Events Calendar at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location                        _ ___POC____


06/13 Father's Day Car Show Summerhill/165 SW 6th                    360-675-2925

06/13 Early Entry Car Show Homeplace, next door 360-675-2925

06/14             Greenbank Car Show Greenbank Farms 360-929-1609

06/22 Berry Cool Car Show Burlington 360-848-7663

06/22 Parts Plus Show O.H. Auto/Parts Plus 360-675-1334

06/25 Hot Rod Social Arby's/Hwy 20 360-675-2925

06/29 Twin City Idlers Car Show Stanwood 360-629-9253

07/01 Potluck/General Mtg O.H. Elks Lodge 360-679-7936

07/04 4th of July Parade Oak Harbor 360-675-5710

07/12 Cool Bayview Nights Car Show Whidbey Island 360-321-4145

07/13 All Chevy Show XXX Issaquah 206-940-4663

07/11-13 Firecracker Ron Run Pioneer Park in Ferndale 360-734-5931

07/20 Anacortes Open Car Show 9th St & Commercial 360-424-6918

07/26 Whidbey Cruzers Rendezvous Car Depot/Flowers Marine 360-240-8474

08/03 Special Kids Car Show Burlington Outlet Mall 360-424-6918

08/09 Lion's Car Show Windjammer Park 360-679-1595

08/10 Whidbey Cruzer Picnic Jack's Park/Jones Rd 360-675-2925

08/16 Port Townsend Car Show Port Townsend 360-678-8758

08/30-09/01 Cruzer Campout Friday Creek 360-675-3956

09/06 Careage Car Show/BBQ Coupeville 360-675-4523

09/19-21 Cascade Loop Cruise Overnight Chelan 360-678-7727




50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes: Bucket Dude – Jim Haddon


50/50 Winner: Matt McMillan $131.00


Door prizes were some of the same type items as last month. 2 Gift Certificates from Christensen's Nursery, oil change by Martin's Auto Electric, Cruzer T-shirts, small jack knifes, mouse pad, cookbook, die cast auto, and a Virtual Surround Sound kit. Winners were Alma Williams, Flo Payeur, Lloyd Williams, Linda Haddon, Judy Biddle, plus. Isn't it funny how some of the same people win month after month after month?


Next Meeting:


The next meeting is Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. There will be a potluck at 6 p.m. and general meeting at 7 p.m. Bring a dish to share, utensils, plates, and a drink if you wish. Come and find out what's happening socially, cruises, and car shows. New members meet the seasoned members and network about all kinds of cars.

Please remember to sign in at the front entrance.






Judy Biddle 4

Herb Terrill 11

Jim Flowers 13

Bruce Johnson 14

Gordon Lloyd     15

Katherine Christmas 21

Marcia Rouse 21

Jack Christian 22

Ray Payeur 23

Gary Nienhuis 25

Marianne Rolf 30






Don/Judy Barnum 1

Barrett/Shirley Taft 1

Bob/Wendy Sines 8

Eldred/Kathy Nienhuis 10

Bruce/Angela Rapp                              10

Fred/Mary Benninghoff 13

Marty/Sharon Luther 16

Gregory/Donney Speck 16

Matthew/Catherine Hernkind 23

Mike/Carrie Harris 26

Don/Pat Tabach 26

Todd/Julie Stephenson 28

Don/Gail Stultz 31


**TRIVIA ANSWER: B) 1953 The first Chevrolet Corvette rolled off the production line on June 30, 1953, at the GM plant in Flint, Michigan. Only 300 corvettes were built that year (each of them by hand), making this the rarest Corvette. Each fiberglass-bodied two-seater was white with a red interior and a black canvas top. The 1953 Corvette featured a Powerglide automatic transmission and a "Blue Flame" six cylinder 235ci 150hp engine with three carburetors and dual exhaust.




Please help me meet my basic goal in regards to the newsletter, which is completing and getting the newsletter mailed and on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings or by the Friday following the monthly meeting.


If you have any concerns, questions or need something corrected please don't hesitate to call me. 360-679-7936. Thanks.



June 3, 2008

Well "April Fools Day" passed without much to note other than an opportunity to concoct a prank on a fellow Cruzer went buy the wayside. O well, there is always next year. Start thinking. Sorry the "Back Seat" has been empty for a couple of news letters.

Where does the time go?

I failed to remember that on 1 April the car fine of $1 came back to life! There goes that dollar I saved buying diesel at Safeway. I know the price of fuel is out of control but, hope that it doesn't affect participation at upcoming events. Speaking of events the April calendar was full of things to do. PACCAR .. Chandler Square Retirement(Cx'd WX) Holland Happening, Happy Dragon social. Thanks Jim Croft for the guest speakers. Engine balancing is cool stuff. May had Friday Creek camp out, 2 shows in Anacortes and The Memorial Day parade in Coupeville.

The turnouts for the monthly meetings continue to be impressive. Remember the the pot luck held before each meeting… It can be a great opportunity to socialize with your fellow Cruzers.

June has a quite a list of things to do already. Frontier Ford, Toga party for the 60 year olds, Green Bank, Berry Cool, and Twin City Idler car shows. Remember we have had a few impromptu cruzes in the past where we have gotten together just to go for a ride. If you get the itch just call a few people and get on the highway.

Get out and enjoy your ride and the spring weather.


In Memoriam – Randi Cairns and Ray Oban


Bob Cairns sent an email that Randi Cairns passed peacefully at 1:30 in the afternoon on May 20. She passed with family holding her hands. She had a difficult weekend, but finally decided to let go and is far happier now that she is rid of the torment she has been through. Bob also told us she had a peaceful glow about her face and was completely relaxed. Bob came to the June meeting and expressed his thanks for all the cards and amazement of all the Cruzers that came to her memorial. He also thanked the Cruzer ladies for treating her as an equal and helped her when she needed it. A large bouquet of flowers with a Whidbey Cruzer ribbon was displayed at the front of the room. He told us he took the bouquet home, it was huge!! She was a gracious lady to us all. Bob, thank you for letting us know her even in her time of need.


Ed Hammond received a call from Carole that Ray Oban has passed. Carole spent Wednesday morning, June 4, trying to contact Ray by phone and when he didn't answer she went to his house and found Ray on the floor near the bed at 1:30PM. It's believed he passed away from a heart attack late Tuesday night, June 3 or early Wednesday morning. Carole got in touch with his son Dean and is on his way to the island. Ray was a special friend to all and was known as (Obe One, tagged by Ed). His humor was like no other and loved sharing his experiences about his wife Arlene, his little Chihuahua, Polly, and the parrot he babysat for 15 years. He looked like jolly old St. Nick. He will be missed.