Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shop Talk – September 2009


President Bill Morrow called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at approx. 7:00 p.m. held at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge, September 1, 2009. There were 75 in attendance. Previous minutes were approved as written in newsletter.


Moment of Silence


This month's moment of silence was for the recent passing of Prez Bill's mom who passed away August 23. Bill thanked everyone for their cards and kind words during his time of mourning.




The Whidbey Cruzer's were privileged with the honor of witnessing Scott's swearing in ceremony to the Air National Guard Reserve. Scott introduced Capt. Jason Longoria. Scott told us that he started this journey around January of 2009 and working around various obstacles the Air National Guard is taking him on. At 47 years of age they must have decided he was worth it. Previously in the Marine Corp for eight years and then joined the WA Highway Patrol, he's been out for twenty one years.

He has three sons in the military and outranking them all as an E-5. Congratulations Scott, YOU STILL GOT IT!


Car Fines


There was a lot of money collected, at least $21.00, maybe more. The weather was a little iffy, so most drove their daily drivers.


Treasurer's Report for August 2009 - Jim Rairigh


START $6425.19



Dues 50.00

Car Fines 3.00

Fun Meters 12.00

Plaques 18.00

50/50 67.00



Harry Abbott, summer party 1423.61

Bay Printing 33.29

Ed Hammond, photo paper 13.00

Diamond Rentals, port-a-potty (6) 255.00


FINISH $4762.29


Treasurer's report was approved as read. Jim said he is also accepting dues for 2010. $25 per person.


Trailer License – Jim told us he rec'd the license renewal for our trailer. He told us it would cost about $75 a year to keep it like it is. The trailer does is not considered a classic because it's not a car. If we want to move it we'll need a trip permit which cost $25 and good for three days. The trailer has not moved in the last year or so. Not going
to buy tags. If it needs to be moved we'll buy a trip permit or find another way to haul what's in the trailer.


Membership – Gail Jaeger


Gail was short and to the point, 167 paid members and two life members. Gail reported that it is up to you the member to contact her if info in the new roster needs correction. Need a new roster, see or contact Gail. The following are new members since the print out of 2009 roster: Martin Abrahamse, John Williams, Russ and Rosalie Olson, Ed and Heidi Richard, Dean Dolquist, David and Dawn Medeiros, Frederick Bronson, Bobbie Cairns, Pedro Velasquez Jr., Bob Newlands, Margie Kott and Rick Ford. Prez Bill relayed that Rick Ford drives a 1964 white Impala who was at Pizza Factory couple of weeks ago to say Hi. Taylor's or Tabach's (don't know who?) have two 1937/1955 Packard's and Margie Kott has a 1991 Mercury Capri.

Contact Gail at 360-675-5723 or email


Cruz Committee – Mel Rogers and Dan Terrill


Chuckanut Drive/Lunch Cruise, October 18, 2009, 1:00p.m. - Mel Rogers has arranged a lunch cruise to Fairhaven for a late lunch, Sunday, October 18, 2009 at the "Big Fat Fish Co". We will leave Flowers Marine at 1:00 pm and head north through Bay View and the farm country to Chuckanut Drive. After a rest stop at Larrabee State Park we will continue on for a late lunch (or early dinner). Check out their website for lunch menu menus.htm. Contact Mel for any questions and/or sign up with Lyla Lillis.


Sunshine Committee – Judy Biddle


Judy reported she sent a card to Bob Cray for heart surgery and is mending very well; he's in Europe for six weeks. A feeling better card sent to Pam Taylor for health issues, she was there at the meeting. Bruce Johnson's dad had a heart attack. Bruce told us his kidney's were messed up so he had to come home and get that taken care of before they can continue. A card was sent to the Shanniak newlyweds married at the Pizza Factory in August; Prez Minister Bill performed the ceremony. Dick said three weeks and still going strong.

Contact Judy Biddle if you know of someone in need of a little "SUNSHINE" in their lives, at 360-675-6970 or email


Social Committee – Lyla Lillis


Vicki Sullivan stepped down as Social Chair due to other commitments, so Bill twisted Lyla's arm and she will assume the roll for the remainder of the year. Thank you Lyla! She urged others to think about taking over for next year. The clip board was being passed around for sign up of various events coming up. Lyla sent out an email requesting an email update so that members will receive notification of events. Let her know of any changes if not getting emails from her. Call her.


Jack's Park Potluck Picnic – This was an impromptu bonfire potluck, 26 people showed, home made ice cream served, had a great time, and Judy Whited won everything.

Careage of Whidbey Car Show/BBQ, September 12, 10 – 2 pm. - Theme for the day is Hawaiian. There will be prizes probably for costume, best car, and more. A serious game of horse shoes, etc. Sign up with Lyla, Suzi Souza is the POC for questions about this event. 360-675-4523

Roaring 20's Barn Dance, Roller Barn, October 3, 6-11 p.m. - $25 cover charge, all proceeds going to the Boys and Girls Club. Gail Jaeger said she was approached to see if we would provide 20's and 30's cars to park outside the barn.


Lyla said to think about our "TRICK a TRUNK" on October 31. The dealership or property has been sold so possibly if we just show up we probably won't be turned away. Located at Oak Harbor Chevy on Pioneer, Cruzers bring our cars and dress in costume and give out candy to the trick or treater's. After, participants are welcome to a potluck at Chuck and Gail Jaeger's.


Dinner Social, November 10, "GOOD TIMES" Restaurant, Old Town Mall downtown Oak Harbor, 6:00 p.m. $8.50 all you can eat. The Bay City Bistro (liquor license) would possibly provide us with a drink for an additional cost.


Contact Lyla to get on the attendance list for any of the above events. If anyone would like to plan an event, have all the details, send it to Lyla in an email to send out to all the club members. Contact her
360-675-2925 or email

Car Show Committee – Matt McMillan


Matt read off a shorter list of car shows for the month of September. He told us that the car shows are starting to fizzle out, so his report will be shorter and shorter.


***See the Calendar at a Glance which lists the car shows Matt mentioned plus others. If you have any questions about the shows or know of a car show contact Matt at 360-682-6722. His email address is


Historian – Ray Payeur


Ray did not have a report but reminded everyone to update the historian book. Contact him for supplies needed.


Website – Ed Hammond


Ed reported that there is new music playing when you log in to the website. The music is cycled so different each time you logon. He also has added new car photos. Again, if you don't like your car photo let him know. Check it out and be surprised!


Technical Advisor – Bruce Biddle


Bruce commented that Bob Cray had stents put in and gets to go to Europe and he had a triple by-pass and got two weeks at home in a recliner! The Manly Man Swap Meet was organized chaos but went GREAT. Everyone came, did their thing and left. There was a lot of traffic due to Bruce's advertising. When asked if he would have another one, OVER HIS DEAD BODY! This was his own one time gig and suggested that if someone else wants to do it, DO IT on their property or make it a Cruzer Event! Bruce thanked all that came and participated, especially Bob McConchie who did Bruce's dirty work, turning those away that were not on the display list. Bruce was given a thank you gift for the swap meet.


Bruce found out that there were a couple of fellows who have unique cars, one with cars prior to 1910, naming cars he had never heard of on the island and the other with just lots. Bruce will find out more and arrange a tour/picnic, etc. or shop tour and email when setup is made.


Bruce asked for help to insulate the trailer roof, not a big job just all screws. Contact Bruce to arrange a work date.




1. By-laws Committee – Gail Jaeger
told us the by-laws recommendations were ready for viewing and consideration. Changes made were basically making officer duties more specific, change sentence structure, and adding a couple minor things that we do that aren't in the by-laws. They will be sent out to each member with an email address. They are provided to you as incorporated fully compiled new By-laws. For those who don't have email a printed copy has been made. Contact Duane Dillard to get your copy. 360-672-8291. Thanks to Gail Jaeger, Alma Williams, Greg Speck, and Duane Dillard for your hard work. If you don't like something contact a committee member or the Board and tell us your concerns. Duane is at

360-672-8291, Greg at 360-679-7426. Gail and Alma's phone no's are in other areas of this newsletter.




1. 2010 Officer Nominations/Election – This year's nominating committee is your current Board. If you wish to run for an office or want to know what is involved contact us. As of this meeting Jim Rairigh is running again for Treasurer and Joan Reeves for Secretary. We may be contacting various members to ask for their nomination.

2. Christmas Party, December 19, CPO Club – VP Harry is gathering a committee to establish menu, price, entertainment, and decorations for our party this year. Hopefully we won't get snowed out. Contact Harry if you wish to help.




WANTED: 350-390 Autotrans V8 for a Scottsdale. Contact John Williams at 360-678-5948.


FOR SALE: 1964 Buick Riviera, 425 CI Balanced, 400 Turbo Trans.

Call after 5 p.m. Roger at 360-675-8887. $5000.


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified. If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.


Events Calendar at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location                        _ ___POC____

09/12 Drag Strip Reunion Car Show Arlington Airport 360-435-4442

09/12 Careage of Whidbey Car Show Coupeville 360-675-4523

09/12 Annual Mustang/All Ford Show/Shine Downtown Oak Harbor 360-682-6722

09/13 Founder's Day Car Show/Shine Sedro Woolley 360-708-2591

09/13 Edmonds Classic Car Show Edmonds 425-275-0699

09/13 All Ford Meet, XXX Drive In Issaquah 425-387-9450

09/20 All Mopar Show, XXX Drive In Issaquah 206-601-1724

09/26 Jerry Chambers Car Show Bellingham 360-682-6722

09/27 Mini Cooper Show, XXX Issaquah 360-682-6722

09/27 Classic Hot Rod Display Snohomish 360-682-6722

10/03 Roaring 20's Barn Dance O.H. Roller Barn 360-675-2925

10/6 Cruzer Potluck/Gen. Mtg Elks Lodge 360-679-7936

10/10-11 Monroe Swap Meet Evergreen Fairgrounds 360-738-4683




50/50 Drawing:


50/50 Winner: Gary Neinhuis, $113.50


Bucket Babe was Gail Stultz. Door prizes this month were 2 makeup kits, Body Bath Combo, 4 model cars, 2 fuzzy dice sets, Driver's Set, 22 piece Flex Driver Set, 5 garage signs, large ivory handle Eagle Knife, jar of honey, DVD "Time Machine", gift certificate "Eileen's Kitchen", Ford Muscle Book, Chrome pedal covers, and Mini hot sauce bottles.

Winners were: Sully (Don) Sullivan, Carol Stone, Dan Terrill, Larry Smith, Archie Lillis, Bob McConchie, Joan Reeves, Pam Taylor, Pat Covello, Ed Hammond, Ray Payeur, Sharon Covello, Eldy Neinhuis, Cliff Aaker, Ted Mann, Duane Dillard, Joe Spiker, Brian Thompson, and Jim Croft.


Next Meeting:


Our next meeting is October 6, 2009.
Come and enjoy the fun at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Potluck begins at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish to share, plates, utensils, and a drink if you wish. A general meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. Remember to sign in at the entrance.




1. Russ Olson, who is a new Cruzer of just a few months, had his orders to Iraq cancelled. Great News! Thanks, Suzi Souza.

2. Summer Rendezvous plaques are still available, if you didn't get one contact Harry Abbott. 360-240-8474.

3. Flo's workplace the "Fidalgo Care Center" in Anacortes showed there appreciation for our participation in the August 14, 2009 Car Show by sending us a nice thank you card providing homemade Zucchini bread for our potluck.

4. Prez Bill's email has not changed, His new phone no. is 360-682-6617.





Vic Gabrenas 1

Darlene Hammond 1

Clarice Rairigh 1

Doyle Lewis 1

Sharon Covello 6

Heather L'Huillier 6

Gail Jaeger 8

Rich Melrose 10

Scott Wernecke 16

Jim Haddon 17

Brice DeVos 31

Joe Spiker 31





Matt McMillan/Heather L'Huillier 6

Harvey/Bernadine Geohring 8

Jim/Carole Croft 9

Bill/Dorothy Waite 14

John/Denise Williams 16

Rick/Judy Klemencic 17

Rollin/Judy Whited 18

Scott/Frankie Wernecke 24




I will print any corrections/additions to the minutes/newsletter in the "FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER"
section of the newsletter when advised.


REQUEST: Please speak loudly when addressing the membership or giving a report so I don't miss out on important information. Our meetings are fun, crazy, and informative and I want to make sure I get the correct info to you. If I miss a birthday, anniversary, or info wrong in this newsletter, please let me know. 360-679-7936 Thanks!


It is my goal in regards to the newsletter, to complete it, mail it, and be on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings and/or by the Friday following the monthly meeting. Thanks again.





In 16 days it's the 20th anniversary of Hugo, a 160mph, category 4/5 hurricane. On Sept 15th of 1989 I was anchored in one of the most beautiful and safe harbors in the Virgin Islands. Two days later I was standing on what was left of my boat, half naked, having barely survived the night. It reminded me of my first honeymoon. For the next week I filled a huge dumpster that the city brought by with 18 years of memories, things that I had thought were important but ended up being just "stuff".

Last year I was at a class on sustainable living and the teacher asked what the biggest hurdle was. That was easy. I raised my hand. "Too much stuff."

So it is with some humor that I look at what is the fastest growing business in the US, Storage Lockers.

One in 11 American households owns self-storage space—an increase of some 75 percent from 1995. Last year alone saw a 24 percent spike in the number of self-storage units on the market. The country now possesses some 1.875 billion square feet of personal storage. All this space is contained in nearly 40,000 facilities; most seem to be located here in Oak Harbor.

What are they full of? There are mementos we somehow can't live with, and yet can't live without. They exemplify the downside of acquisition, the moment when we realize we own more bread machines, plastic lawn chairs, and treadmills than we could use in a lifetime.

So, to get this straight—houses have gotten bigger, average family sizes got smaller, and yet we still need to tack on a billion-plus square feet to store our stuff?

"You can't take it with you," as the proverb says—but nowadays you can certainly find a place to stash it. Me, I keep my stuff in a landfill in St Croix.




Well what do you know? September is here so what is around the corner? Yep old man winter is fast approaching and that means no more complaining about how hot it is, we can start complaining about how cold it is! We will see fewer cars on the road (old that is), friends leaving for the winter and car guys complaining about our aches and pains. It is dark at 5:00 P.M. and suddenly our energy level goes down, we eat more, we go to bed earlier and for 6 months we wait for the sun to come back!


How do we combat the winter doldrums? You could run for one of the exciting board positions open with the Whidbey Cruzers and suddenly become the envy of all your friends, the center of attention and the guy or gal all your friends want to be. There will be a new zip in your step, a twinkle in your eye and a new confidence as you become a leader and a role model. Talk to one of your board members now!


Thanks to all my Cruzer friends for your love, prayers and kind words after the recent passing of my momma.





Spin them tires, Prez Bill