Sunday, August 9, 2009

Shop Talk – August 2009



President Bill Morrow called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at approx. 6:50 p.m. held at the Windjammer Park (City Beach), August 4, 2009. There were 80 in attendance. Previous minutes were approved as written in newsletter.


Moment of Silence


This month's moment of silence was for the recent passing of parents of our membership. Those were Don and Suzi Souza who both lost their mothers, Matt Hernkind, lost his father, Jim Rairigh, lost his mother, and Jim Croft who lost his father. Others who passed were Archie Lillis' mother and Gwen Oests' sister.


Car Fines


The weather was warm and gorgeous! Lots of our classics showed up for the mini car show. Everyone pays who doesn't drive their car, NO EXCUSES. At least one or two members had to pay. Jim Rairigh wanted to protest his car fine because the folding tables he brought for tonight did not fit in his T-Bucket, he got a big rise out the members!!!!


First Time Guests and New Members


Mary Jo Phillips introduced Margie Kott and trying to convince her to join. Don and Sue Norman introduced themselves as guests who were previous members and possibly joining again. Darlene Seeley was visiting us as a friend of Carol and Bob Reamer. Welcome and hope to see you again.


New Cars


Margie Baxley announced that the Baxley's own a new 2009 Black HHR SS and is now at the Beauty Parlor (Smitty's) getting a dress up. Harry said he had a Hummer, turn the ignition and it hums!!! Bill also said he didn't think anyone bought a car because Bruce Biddle (estate sale) was out of town!!!


Treasurer's Report for July 2009 - Jim Rairigh


START $6371.82



50/50                                                                                                                                                            132.00

Dues 50.00

Plaques 36.00

Car fines 25.00

Roster 5.00

Fun Meters 2.00



Ed Hammond, 4th of July 5.00

Bay Printing, Newsletter/Roster 146.63

Bay Printing, Rosters 35.00

United Way, Bite out of Crime 10.00


FINISH $6425.19


Treasurer's report was approved as read.


Membership – Gail Jaeger


Gail was short and to the point, 164 paid members and two life members. Need a new roster, see or contact Gail.


Contact Gail at 360-675-5723 or email


Cruz Committee – Mel Rogers and Dan Terrill


Mel asked for a show of hands who were interested in going to Bellingham and dine at the Big Fat Fish Co. and got the go ahead to set that up and he will have a signup sheet next meeting.


Sunshine Committee – Judy Biddle


Judy reported to Prez Bill that there were no cards sent out in the month of July! GREAT NEWS!


Contact Judy Biddle if you know of someone in need of a little "SUNSHINE" in their lives, at 360-675-6970 or email


Social Committee – No report


Jack's Park Potluck Picnic – It was cancelled due to conflicting family events. Carol Stone will reschedule it as a sort of impromptu date in the future by email and will probably be bonfire/campfire style. Be on the lookout for an email.


Campout, Friday Creek Campground, Sept 4-7 – Sign up with Alma Williams, she needs to reserve the camp sites ASAP to get the spots we want. Saturday will probably be potluck day for all to participate at about 2 p.m. Call her at 360-675-3956.


Contact Vicki to get on the attendance list for any of the above events. If anyone would like to plan an event, have all the details, send it to Vicki in an email to send out to all the club members. Contact her
360-678-6032 or email


Car Show Committee – Matt McMillan


Matt read off a long list of car shows for the month of August, first being the Rotary Car Show in Oak Harbor at Windjammer Park on the 8th of August. He asked if any trophies were given in July and rec'd no answer. He moved on and listed multiple shows. Prez Bill talked about the LeMay car show and this year it is a judged show. Questions should be directed to contact in the Events Calendar at a Glance.


Anacortes Fidalgo Care Center, Small Car Show, August 14, 11:00 a.m. - Lunch is provided for us. Dress up in your favorite era and join us at the 27th street entrance. To sign up call Ray or Flo Payeur, if you need directions ask Flo.


Careage of Whidbey Car Show, September 12, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. - Suzi Souza has passed around a signup list, the theme is Hawaiian, hula dancers, BBQ, raffles, voting will be done by staff and residence for various car awards, etc. Contact Don or Suzi at 360-675-4523.


***See the Calendar at a Glance which lists the car shows Matt mentioned plus others. If you have any questions about the shows or know of a car show contact Matt at 360-682-6722. His email address is


Technical Advisor


Prez Bill reminded everyone about Bruce's "Manly Man Swap Meet" will be held on Saturday, Aug 22. He said there could be only one truck and one table per person,
first one or two hours will be trading/buying amongst ourselves then open it up to the public. Only manly stuff, no jewelry, doilies, dishes, tools, car parts, manuals, etc. are okay. You might be inspected so BEWARE! You may win the PINK SKIRT AWARD! No tech classes scheduled.




1. By-laws Committee – Gail Jaeger
told us the committee has met a few times and they were critiquing the by-laws. They will present their recommendations and put them online so you can look at them. I will put them in the newsletter also when available.




WANTED: 350-390 Autotrans V8 for a Scottsdale. Contact John Williams at 360-678-5948.


FOR SALE: 1964 Buick Riviera, 425 CI Balanced, 400 Turbo Trans.

Call after 5 p.m. Roger at 360-675-8887. $5000.


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified.


If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.


Events Calendar at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location                        _ ___POC____

08/14 Fidalgo Care Center Car Show Anacortes 360-675-2193

08/15 Steel & Wheel Supershow Seattle 206-764-0319

08/15 Classic Show and Shine LaConner 360-466-4778

08/15 Pt Townsend Classic Car Show Pt. Townsend 360-385-0706

08/16                         Tri-5 Chevy Show XXX Issaquah 206-601-1762

08/16 Classic Car Show Mount Vernon 360-202-9149

08/16 Old Main Street Car Show Monroe 360-677-1237

08/16 Denny's Open Class Car Show Denny's, Mt Vernon 360-240-1300

08/16 All Mopar Summer Sizzler Oak Harbor 360-941-3545

08/22     Manly Man Swap Meet Bruce Biddle's 360-675-6970

08/22 Skykomish Show n Shine Skykomish 360-677-1237

08/23 Mopar Car Show Graham, WA 360-679-2569

08/23 Chevelle/El Camino Show Les Grove Park, Auburn 253-584-4179

08/23                            All Corvette Show XXX Issaquah 206-619-5492

08/29 LeMay Car Show & Auction Seattle/Tacoma 253-536-2885

09/01                             Potluck/General Mtg Oak Harbor Elks Lodge 360-679-7936

09/12 Drag Strip Reunion Car Show Arlington Airport 360-435-4442

09/12 Careage of Whidbey Car Show Coupeville 360-675-4523

09/13 Founder's Day Car Show/Shine Sedro Woolley 360-708-2591

09/13 Edmonds Classic Car Show Edmonds 425-275-0699




50/50 Drawing:


50/50 Winners: Gail Stultz $100 and Jim Gleeson $100


Bucket Dude was Bob McConchie substituting for Bruce Biddle. All of us had to make sure that we got the tickets we paid for and also made sure Bob still had the money and did not pocket it for himself!! In the end Prez Bill along with the Board and membership decided to give out two $100 winners due to no rental paid this month to the Elks. Anything over $200 collected would go to the club.


Next Meeting:


Our next meeting is September 1, 2009 Please come and enjoy the fun at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Potluck begins at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish to share, plates, utensils, and a drink if you wish. A general meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. Remember to sign in at the entrance.




1. Last meeting I missed mentioning a new member who attended the July meeting. His name is Pedro Velasquez and owns 2010 SS Camaro Red w/white stripes. Welcome aboard Pedro. Thanks Steve.


2. The 2nd Annual Cruzer Rendezvous was a smash hit! Ten of the original charter members were there, a group picture of them was taken and is on the webpage, food was good, the weather held up, and the prizes were plentiful and unique. About 75 cars were put on display. Thanks to all who came from Prez Bill. Check out the webpage for all the pictures taken. The best part was Harry came in under budget!!! Harry tried to convince the membership to pay for the gravel job $1500? Funny!!!!!!!!


3. Jim Haddon asked for help with parking the cars at the Rotary show on the 8th at 6:00 a.m.


4. Potluck Queen was awarded to Brenda Ackley. She left early from the Rendezvous, so it was presented to her this evening.


5. Rollin Whited mentioned a car museum in Twyla, WA had about 8 cars for
sale, if anyone interested contact Rollin at 360-240-9342.


6. Ed Hammond brought up the Navy League Anniversary in October and was asked if we could have cars displayed at the CPO Club, a 40's and 50's theme. Sign up next month.





Pat Tabach 2

Lana Dillard 3

Mary Benninghoff 4

Pam Taylor 4

Suzi Souza 5

George Higley 5

Alma Williams 6

Sandy Overton     8

Barb Mann 10

Mary Jo Phillips 14

Linda Haddon 14

Flo Payeur 16

Marty Luther 18

Ed Rouse 19

Gary Hammer 24

Bob McConchie 26

Bonnie Smith 26

Dorothy Abrahamse 27

Brandy Colantoni 30

John Williams 30





Doyle/Sharon Lewis 11

Jim/Joanie Flowers 14

Don/Vicki Sullivan 15

Mark/Karen Franzen 16

Ed/Marcia Rouse 22

Rudy/Colleen Parhaniemi 24

John/Therese Kingsbury 25

Jerry/Marianne Rolfe 27




I will print any corrections/additions to the minutes/newsletter in the "FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER"
section of the newsletter when advised.


REQUEST: Please speak loudly when addressing the membership or giving a report so I don't miss out on important information. Our meetings are fun, crazy, and informative and I want to make sure I get the correct info to you. If I miss a birthday, anniversary, or info wrong in this newsletter, please let me know. 360-679-7936 Thanks!


It is my main goal in regards to the newsletter, to complete it, mail it, and be on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings and/or by the Friday following the monthly meeting. Thanks again.



Obnoxious People


You know who's obnoxious? Ex-Smokers. "I quit, you know. Why, I haven't had a cigarette for over 11 minutes now". Worse than them, reformed drinkers. "It's been 15 years and one month exactly since I had a drink". Cripes! Wait, it gets more worser. Next is the reformed hot water people. These guys put in solar water heaters and quit paying for heating their water. Then one bump up the scale is the people who refuse to give PSE their "fair" profit margin. These people's electric bill is 163 bucks…..for the year and they'll get a check from PSE for $350 for power produced. Man, are they annoying or what? Now we come to the epitome of disgustingly obnoxious people, those who have given up petrol (gasoline to you yanks). Yes, those who have the audacity to drive electric cars powered by batteries and re-fueled by the sun. These cheap skates stoop to new lows, refusing to help the poor starving oil sheiks build new castles, forcing them to make do with last years yacht. To paraphrase Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 1, "To pay, or not to pay: That is the question: Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous cheapskates (that would be me) or join them against a sea of overpaid CEO's". Think on it…..




Prez Bill is apologetic this month for not submitting his thoughts. He is in the middle of moving and learning a new online email system, plus a new home phone no. He is also taking care of his parents and health concerns. He said he would make up for it in the next newsletter.