Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shop Talk – March 2010

  New President Bob McConchie called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at approx. 7:02 p.m. held at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge, March 2, 2010. There were 58 in attendance. Previous minutes were approved as written in newsletter.
Moment of Silence
A moment of silence was taken to honor all those who have fallen fighting for us to keep our freedom.
First Time Attendees/Guests
This meeting our guest was Larry Brewer's son visiting from Wyoming to see his Dad and grandparents. He'll be here until Thursday. WELCOME!
New Vehicles
No one wanted to say they had a new vehicle, so someone popped up and said Lloyd and Alma Williams. All I heard was Alma saying "A Piece of Shit Chevy". CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Treasurer's Report for February 2010 - Jim Rairigh

START                  $6541.21
Dues                     679.00
50/50                    105.00
Deanna Rogers 2009 party  60.57
Harry Abbott 2009 party   41.94
Gail Jaeger, Membership   15.38
Bay Printing Newsletter   25.44
FINISH                 $7128.60


Dues x 165             $4475.00
50/50                   1000.00
Car Fines                 50.00
Xmas Party x 120        3600.00
Plaques                  200.00
TOTAL INCOME           $9325.00

Summer Party            1700.00
Xmas Party              3600.00
Band                     500.00
Party Expenses           175.00
P.O. Box                  42.00
Sec. of State             10.00
Website                  100.00
Elks Rent                750.00
Membership               450.00
Newsletter               600.00
Sunshine                 100.00
Photographer             100.00
Tickets                   20.00
Entry Fees                25.00
TOTAL EXPENSES         $8172.00

It was moved and seconded to except both reports as given. Jim reminded us that car fines will be in effect at the April meeting. Those who do not drive their classic or club car to the meeting will to pay $1.00 come rain or shine.
Membership – Duane Dillard
Duane told us there were 157 members in the club. New rosters are available, a free roster for every paid member. Non members will pay $5.00 a copy or additional copies will cost $5.00. Contact Duane to make arrangements to get your copy. 360-675-6866. The Rosters look fantastic! Thanks to Duane, Gail, Jim, Ed, and Jack Stiltz for the great work! I don't know who thought about putting Thunderbirds on the front but we understand! HEE, HEE!
Car Show Committee – Mel Rogers and Dan Terrill
Mel told us that all 25 rooms at the Mountain View Lodge in Manson have been reserved for the Chelan Trip June 4 and 5, 2010. Mel is keeping a running tab of who is going. If someone decides they want to go call Mountain View Lodge and they will put you on a waiting list (first come first served) for possible cancellations later, or they will give you info on neighboring hotels/motels that should be available. Make sure the Lodge knows you are a Whidbey Cruzer. Serious planning for this trip will be made as the time approaches. Basically June 4 travel to Manson, car show in Chelan and group dinner/party on Saturday, and breakfast and travel home on Sunday. Any questions please call Mel or Deanna Rogers at 360-678-7727 or cell 360-632-5791. Email meldeanna@comcast.net.
***Bob Cairns was soliciting presents from those going and told everyone that he and Bobbi were celebrating their 75 years of marriage, Bobbi's 31 yrs, his 40 some years and their one year totaled 75. He made sure to remind everyone that was a Diamond Anniversary!!!HA HA!!!
Sunshine Committee – Brenda Ackley
Brenda told us that four cards were sent to Dean Lohman for knee replacement, Judy Barnum whose Mom passed, Barb Mann for her recent cancer diagnosis, and to Mike Koontz for his recent surgery.

Contact Brenda Ackley if you know of someone in need of a little "SUNSHINE" in their lives, at 360-679-8363 or email

Social Committee – Lyla Lillis
St. Patrick's Day Parade, March 17, Smith Park – Whidbey Cruzers have been invited to participate in the parade again this year. Line up at Smith Park about 3 p.m. to decorate you and your vehicle in green, etc. The parade organizers have three WWII Veterans who would like to be driven in the parade by one of our members, and the vehicle does not have to be a convertible. If someone wishes to volunteer please contact Bob McConchie at 360-679-3189 or Dutch at 360-675-0235.
Pat Carroll Museum Tour, End of March,- Jim Flowers wanted to know if there was any interest again so he could set up the tour. There are usually 3 or 4 other clubs to meet and chat with plus the museum is something to see!! Contact Lyla if you are interested right away.
PACCAR Open House/Brunch at Farmhouse April 10 – Leave Flowers at 9 a.m. The open house is from 11-3. The Tulip Festival will be underway if you so choose after PACCAR. Sully volunteered to be leader of the pack to PACCAR.
Friday Creek Campout, May 28-31 – Heads up for this camping weekend, $25 per night. Saturday potluck for all Cruzers at 2 p.m. in the afternoon, bring a dish to share and your chairs. Need payment 2 weeks in advance. POC is Alma Williams 360-675-3956 or Lyla.
Contact Lyla to get on the attendance list for any of the above events. If anyone would like to plan an event, have all the details, send it to Lyla in an email to send out to all the club members. Contact her
360-675-2925 or email lillis55@comcast.net.

Car Show Committee – Matt McMillan macnfeather@comcast.net.

***See the Calendar at a Glance which lists the car shows Matt mentioned plus others. If you have any questions about the shows or know of a car show contact Matt at 360-682-6722. His email address is

Technical Advisor – Bruce Biddle
Bruce thought there might be someone to take over as TA but no one stood in line so he will continue to give us insightful tidbits such as how sand your finger down, or how to 360's, and possibly decide if a Ranchero is a car or truck? He was reminded that some members of the club missed American Idol and also was reminded that this wasn't community service so he's not doing anything. WAY TO GO MR.TECH ADVISOR!! LOL

1. Audit Committee – Jim Rairigh reported the audit was done by Alma and Gail found everything in order.

1. Oak Harbor Rotary Car Show – Jim Croft asked us to lend our support and help them this year organize, setup, and participate with the car show. Contact Jim Haddon at 360-929-0704 cell or Jim Croft at 360-675-4146.
Club Liability Insurance – Jim Rairigh explained that the cost our liability insurance with Hagerty has doubled from $150 - $381 due to a new company representing Hagerty. We originally got the insurance for car show coverage recommended by Oak Harbor City Council. The Board asked for a vote or recommendation to pay the higher amount while investigating other insurance options so we don't go without or lose it. The By-laws state the Board cannot spend more than $250 without membership approval. Discussion was held about pros and cons in having insurance for club events, etc. Gail Jaeger made a motion to allow the Board to spend up to $500 at their discretion to find the best liability insurance available. It was seconded and a vote was taken and approved.


FOR SALE: 1951 Chevy Coupe, small block V-8, Camaro frontend. There are pictures to share. Make an offer. Contact Forrie McIntosh at 425-864-9223, cell.

Events Calendar at a Glance

Date       Event               Location         POC
03/06 Musselfest               Coupeville
03/17 St. Patrick's Day Parade Downtown Oak Harbor         360-675-2925
03/21 Leprechaun Daze          Bellingham                  360-380-2733
04/06 Potluck/Gen Mtg          Elks Lodge                  360-679-7936
04/10 PACCAR Open House/Brunch Farmhouse/Farm to Market Rd 360-675-2925
05/28-31 Friday Creek Campout/Potluck     Friday Creek     360-675-3956
06/4-6 Chelan Car Show Trip    Manson/Chelan, WA           360-678-7727
12/18 Cruzer Christmas Party   CPO Club/Bakerview Restaurant 360-679-7936

50/50 and Door Prize Drawings:

50/50 Winner: Larry Brewer $96.00

Bucket Dudette was Joan Reeves. Well folks I didn't get a list of door prizes this month or who won them because I was too busy being the Bucket Dudette. I didn't even buy any tickets!!!!! Thanks Jim Rairigh for your help!

1. From Your Secretary – The new roster does not list very many Wedding Anniversaries, so to save some space I will not be listing any more Anniversaries, only Birthdays. Also I am just going to list the birthdays that are in the roster. If you have any objections or an alternative let me know at 360-679-7936. Thank You.
2. Scott Wernecke - Scott will be leaving us for 5 mos. for Air Force Reserve School. He will be leaving about the 22nd of March. Say goodbye next time you see him.

Our next meeting is April 6, 2010.Potluck begins at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish to share, plates, utensils, and a drink if you wish. A general meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. Meet your new President and Vice President. If you don't come to a meeting you really are missing out on hilarious adventures. Remember to sign in at the entrance.



Jim Croft         4
Duck Daugherty    4
Margaret Cook     8
Shirley Taft     12
Bruce Biddle     13
Julie Stephenson 18
Mary Jo Dolquist 20
Pat Covello      21
Todd Stephenson  24
Leroy Cook       25
Dawn Madeiros    26
Doreen Gibson    27
Lyla Lillis      27
Gail Stultz      30


I will print any corrections/additions to the minutes/newsletter in the "FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER"section of the newsletter when advised.

REQUEST: Please speak loudly when addressing the membership or giving a report so I don't miss out on important information. Our meetings are fun, crazy, and informative and I want to make sure I get the correct info to you. If I miss a birthday, anniversary, or info wrong in this newsletter, please let me know. 360-679-7936 Thanks!

It is my goal in regards to the newsletter, to complete it, mail it, and be on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email trfj1@urraca.whidbey.net or on paper at the monthly meetings and/or by the Friday following the monthly meeting. Thanks again.


Hello Cruzers: Great meeting!

I think we all owe a "HARTY THANKS" to Duane Dillard and to Gail Jaeger for their work on the 2010 Membership Roster. Great job! I think the club will support me in making the two of you permanent Roster Makers. If you have not picked up your copy, be sure to come to the April meeting to get your free copy. Your President will sell you a second copy for $2000. Duane or Gail will sell it to you for five.

Congratulations to Ray Payeur for selecting the Presidents Prize of a new 42" flat panel TV during the drawing. Congratulations, Ray.

Be sure to check out Lyla's update of events. We may be in for a longer summer this year. That may give us more opportunities for events.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at April's meeting. The Prez=