Monday, May 11, 2009

Shop Talk – May 2009



President Bill Morrow called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at 7:00 p.m. held at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge, May 5, 2009. There were 81 in attendance. Previous minutes were approved as written in newsletter.


Moment of Silence


Tonight we paused to remember Wayne Keener.




The Board members this month proclaimed a Crazy Hat Night! Some of the hats we had were patriotic hats, Mexican hats, Fireman's helmet, a chicken hat, various birthday party hats, and various military hats. Some members just wore there regular ball caps (BORING!!!). It was fun to see!!!!!!


Car Fines


GUESS WHAT! It's Spring! Well tonight it was more like Fall! The rains came and prevented a lot of the membership from driving their beautiful cars. At the end of the meeting the total money collected for fines was $31.00.




Guests were Fred Bronson and John Bradshaw who have been to previous meetings but are still thinking about it, joining that is. So if you see them on the street or at the store, etc. give them a hearty hello and encourage them to become a member.


New Members


The following two new members attended the May meeting:


John Williams, wife Denise, 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser

746 El Gato Street

Coupeville, WA 98239 BD: John 09/30, Denise 01/12




Martin Abrahamse, wife Dorothy, 2002 Mazda Miata

2191 N Crosswoods Circle 2004 Nissan Titan

Oak Harbor, WA 98277

360-679-4953 BD: Martin 02/26, Dorothy 09/27


Last month Rob VanDyk joined our club, his info is:


    Rob VanDyk, wife Dawn, 2 1969 Plymouth Barracuda's

549 Ducken Rd 1953 Dodge Truck

Oak Harbor, WA 98277

360-279-0750 BD: Rob 11/29, Dawn 5/25


This info is given to you to add to the new roster booklet. As new members join our family I will give you the info to add to the roster as write ins'. Only one roster will be printed each year.


New Classics in our Club


Bruce Biddle told us he has a "41" Chevy Coupe, needs to be restored. Prez Bill addressed a gentleman named Don who said he had a "38" Buick. That's all I could make out from the recorder. If you want more details ask Prez Bill.


Treasurer's Report for April 2009 - Jim Rairigh


Prez Bill read the report because Jim is on the road with his trucker son.


START $6343.82



50/50                                                                                                                                                            140.00

Dues 75.00

Car fines 13.00



Bay Printing, FEB/MAR newsletter 63.62

Barb Mann, party 48.78

Postmaster, PO Box 42.00

Secretary of State 10.00


FINISH $6407.42


Treasurer's report was approved as read.


Membership – Gail Jaeger


The new rosters are done.

Gail reported that as of tonight there are 153 active members and two life members. The new roster booklets look great. There are mistakes in the booklet. It is up to you the member to contact Gail with the corrections. A booklet to each paid member. Gail and Ed Hammond have them available to you. Contact either Gail or Ed to get your copy. See this report or back of the newsletter for contact info.


Contact Gail at 360-675-5723 or email


Cruz Committee – Mel Rogers and Dan Terrill


Mel said the Chelan trip is shaping up really nicely. The theme for the trip will be Surfer/Beach Boy. Mel and Deanna went over to Chelan before hand and set up a nice dinner social for Saturday after the car show and Red Apple will be catering. Dan Terrill is having dash plaques made for those going averaging $5. Contact Dan if you want a plaque, he may have already collected it from you. At the end of the June meeting the itinerary, times leaving, etc. will be given out, so please make sure you attend the meeting.


Streamliner Cruise to Sedro Woolley, May 23 - Dan Terrill is heading up a cruise to Sedro Woolley to see a Streamliner being built. It is said to have 2 huge Chrysler Hemi's in it. 17 have already signed up and can take possibly 24. Contact Dan if you wish to go. He may be close to having enough people going, but call him anyway. See back of newsletter for phone no.


Prez Bill said the first annual "Where in the Hell We Goin Cruise" was cancelled due to unforeseen family things that needed taken care of.
He will be scheduling it sometime in the future; you will be notified of a date and time when it's decided.


Mel mentioned organizing an XXX Issaquah Cruise, no date set. Let him know if you're interested in a XXX Cruise. Contact Mel or Deanna if you have any ideas, at 360-678-7727 or want to organize a cruise.


Historian - Ray Payeur


Ray had no report other than passing the history picture book to new members. He encouraged the membership to update their info and pictures. No one has contacted him to update or add to the book. Contact Ray at 360-675-2193 for ideas and supplies needed to make your entry.


Sunshine Committee – Judy Biddle


Judy sent get well cards to Pam Taylor, who has ongoing health concerns; Don Barnum, surgery; Pat Wells, surgery; Duck Daugherty, garden accident; Alma Williams, who is ill; and John Lindell, Cruzer guys coffee buddy, was in a serious car accident which has left him partially paralyzed. Sympathy cards were sent to Archie and Lyla Lillis, Archie's Mom passed away; and to Tim and Gwen Oest, Gwen's sister passed away.


Contact Judy Biddle if you know of someone in need of a little "SUNSHINE" in their lives, at 360-675-6970 or email


Website/Club Photographer – Ed Hammond


Ed reminded us that we now have "Photo Events". Tonight he went around the room and took pictures of all the crazy hats everyone was wearing so he'll be putting that together on the website. He will also be setting up this summer a time and place for a photo session of those vehicles that did not get on website or in the roster, date to be determined.


Social Committee – Vicki Sullivan


Report was read by Secretary Joan Reeves. The dinner social on April 14 at the Sweet Rice Thai Restaurant was a success. 23 people attended and everyone hada yummy meal. We celebrated Joan's 60th birthday.


Regency on Whidbey Assisted Living, Friday June 19, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Participate to put on a small car show for the residents. They will have a Chili cook off (we can enter), and a barbeque for us. Vicki mentioned that she is entering a green tomatillo and cactus chili. The back parking lot will be reserved for our cars. Similar to car show we do for Careage at Whidbey. Come dressed in 50/60's garb. There will be a sign up sheet at the June meeting.


2. Memorial Day Campout, Friday Creek Campground, May 22 - May 25 – Alma Williams says 22 camp spots have been reserved. Saturday the 23rd is a potluck at 2 p.m. for all club members and friends whether camping or not. Please notify Alma via email at or call 360-675-3956.


3. July 4th Parade – Ed Hammond is heading up our participation in the parade. The theme this year is "Fabulous 40's and the Nifty 50's. He passed around a sign up sheet letting him know if you are driving or walking. Dress in the period you are representing. We can have as many cars as we want in the parade.


Contact Vicki to get on the attendance list for any of the above events. If anyone would like to plan an event, have all the details, send it to Vicki in an email to send out to all the club members. Contact her
360-678-6032 or email


Car Show Committee – Matt McMillan


Matt reported the past April car shows that Whidbey Cruzers attended. April Showers Food Drive car show at the Cascade Mall was productive for our club, we had 16 cars present, we won Club Participation, and we also won most pounds of food brought from organization approx.40-60 lbs. and our newest member John Williams with their PT Cruiser won Best Display(Grease Lightening!) This past Saturday at the Silvana car show, Harry Abbott won 3 trophies, and Rollin Whited won Best in Class.


Matt read off the May car shows in an approx. 90 mile radius. Later Mike from Coupeville explained about a Poker Run to benefit Harbor Haven on June 20th. Poker Run stars in Coupeville and ends at the American Legion #141, South Whidbey with a BBQ to follow. Mike's phone # is 360-678-6642


Jim Haddon reported that on old Lion's Club Car is a go but the Rotary Club picked it up. It's alive and well and Lion's decided to help them. Jim asked for help specifically in the parking of cars, he would like help from those who know something about parking. August 8, 2009.


***See the Calendar at a Glance which lists the car shows Matt mentioned plus others. If you have any questions about the shows or know of a car show contact Matt at 360-682-6722. His email address is


Technical Advisor – Bruce Biddle


Sanding, Cutting, and Buffing Class, May 9, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. - The class will be held at Bruce Biddle's Shop at 1755 Crosby Road. Smitty will be giving the class. Those who are attending the Car Show Smitty will do another class at a later date.


If anyone has an urgent need or other suggestions for instruction please talk to Bruce. 360-675-6970.




1. By-Laws Committee - The committee has been formed, working on responsibilities, updating the wording because of how old they are etc. and will present their recommendations at a later date. As reported last newsletter the committee is Gail Jaeger, Alma Williams, Greg Speck and Duane Dillard.


2. Coupeville Memorial Parade, May 23 – Prez Bill is still looking for cars for the Memorial Day Parade. So far the following people have committed: Ray/Flo Payeur, John Williams, Don Tabach, Mel and Deanna Rogers, Chuck Stone, Bill Waite and Mike Harris. If you want to be in the parade, contact Mike Harris at 360-675-5981, or email him at Those who have committed and your plans change give Mike a heads up!


3. Whidbey Cruzer Rendezvous – VP Harry Abbott told us that the date Sunday, July 12 at The Car Depot was chosen, and the catering would be the same as last year and penciled us in tentatively. Discussion was held, other places were suggested as a place to hold it, there was some dissention whether to have it, the majority liked what was put forth by Harry and feedback and comments were favorable from last year. A vote was taken in favor to have the rendezvous so Harry and his committee will discuss dates, places, times, etc. and present choices next meeting.




FOR SALE: Commercial Sand Blast Pot. 300lb.capacity. Sandstorm Brand, original cost over $3,000. Asking $375, call Herb Terrill, 360-840-6335.


1967 Buick Wildcat, 4-dr hardtop, white, with a vinyl roof and 4 barrel carburetor. Used to run fine, but has been sitting for four yrs., so battery is dead and gas if any turned to jello! Its' been garaged all its life. Contact Harry at or by phone, or email Jack at if interested.


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified.


If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.


Events Calendar at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location                        _ ___POC____

05/09 Foothills 2nd Annual Car Show Burlington, Exit 229 I-5 1-800-228-1207

05/09 Sanding/Cutting/Buffing Class Bruce Biddle's Shop 360-675-6970

05/16-17 Monroe Swapmeet Evergreen Fairgrounds 1-800-645-4997

05/16 All Corvette Car Show Anacortes 9th & R Ave. 360-299-9303

05/17 Open Class Car Show Anacortes 9th & R Ave. 360-299-9303

05/17 XXX Season Opener Drive In, Issaquah 453-392-1266

05/22-25 Memorial Day Campout Friday Creek Campground 360-675-3956

05/24-25 Cruz to Colby Everett 425-710-7406

06/2 Potluck/Gen. Mtg Oak Harbor Elks Lodge                            360-679-7936

06/5-7 Lake Chelan Loop Cruise Chelan 360-678-7727

06/14 El-Camino-Chevelle Show King Charlie's Drive In 425-355-1037

06/19 Regency Assisted Living Car Show Oak Harbor 360-678-6032

06/21 Berry Cool Car Show Downtown Burlington 360-848-7663

06/20 Poker Run for Harbor Haven Coupeville, Tyee Restaurant 360-678-6642

06/28 Twin City Idlers Show n Shine Stanwood 360-682-6722





50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes:


50/50 Winner: Jim Gleeson $145.00 CONGRATULATIONS!!


Bucket Babe was Margie Baxley. Door prizes this month was a Route 66 Sign, several pocket knives, 2 sets of fuzzy dice, birdhouse, Hemmings News Magazine, several feminine lotion sets, 3 vehicle models, Mail Station, Auto clock, 2 Texaco signs, 4 DVD's, 2 large ivory Eagle handle knives, Aluminum Coke airplane, a tea set, and a mystery package.


Winners were Jim Smith, Gail Jaeger, Ed Barrett twice, George Higley, Dick Shanniak 3 times, Deanna Rogers, Tim Oest 4 times, Lynn Holmes, Bruce Biddle, Dan Terrill, Chuck Stone, Byron Baxley, Don Bierce, Ray Payeur, Pat Covello, Bill Morrow, Joe Spiker, Martin Abrahamse, and Herb Terrill.


Next Meeting:


Our next meeting is June 2, 2009. Please come and enjoy the fun at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Potluck begins at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish to share, plates, utensils, and a drink if you wish. A general meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. Remember to sign in at the entrance.




1. Bobbi Jensen/Bob Cairns Wedding Reception Party, June 6, 3 p.m. - An email was sent to the membership inviting all Cruzers to their wedding reception party to help them celebrate their union. There will be plenty of food and drinks so come hungry. It will end when the food is gone, approx. 7 p.m. There is lots of street side parking. It's being held at the Charter Club, 85 Pine St, at Point Edwards in Edmonds. RSVP to 425-778-5347 or If you need directions and did not get them contact Joan Reeves or ask when you RSVP.


2. EMAILS – Prez Bill will only send out or forward emails that are concerns of the club, events, and members. He will not forward, political or other non club topics. He also requested that if you object to what you have been sent, don't complain to him, email the sender and let them know your objections.


3. "Manly Man" Swapmeet – Bruce Biddle's been kicking around the idea of having the guys load up their pickups with car parts, tools, garage items, and bringing them to Biddle's house, line the trucks up and sell out of the back end. He asked for an interest and got the green light to plan it and let us know when.





Virginia Teker 4

Sue Beamer 5

Harry Gibson 8

Lloyd Williams     9

Mary Mahoney 9

Larry Brewer 18

Don Barnum 18

Chuck Jaeger 20

Deanna Rogers 21

Angela Rapp 23

Tim Colantoni 25

Kathy Hammer 26

Chuck Stone 28

Bob Brooks 29

Jim Rairigh 30





Bob/Shari Brooks 4

Dan/Ofelia Champlin 6

Larry/Mary Jo Phillips 10

Archie/Lyla Lillis 12

Duane/Lana Dillard 17

Ed/Darlene Hammond 17

Gary Nienhuis/Grace Hsu 17

Carl/Joanne Taton 21

Mike/Mary Mahoney 28




I will print any corrections/additions to the minutes/newsletter in the "FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER"
section of the newsletter when advised.


REQUEST: Please speak loudly when addressing the membership or giving a report so I don't miss out on important information. Our meetings are fun, crazy, and informative and I want to make sure I get the correct info to you. If I miss a birthday, anniversary, or info wrong in this newsletter, please let me know. 360-679-7936 Thanks!


It is my main goal in regards to the newsletter, to complete it, mail it, and be on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings and/or by the Friday following the monthly meeting. Thanks again.




The Birthday Boy


I was going to teach you pidgin but something came up, my birthday.

You must get those emails that ask you if you remember Brill Cream or Hopalong Catastrophe's horse(Topper). How about the ones that tell you stuff about the year you were born (house 4k, income 1.7k, car 850, gas 12c) or the day. Since my birthday was only a few days ago (not too late for some shopping, ladies) it began to concern me that maybe they know too much. For instance, according to one site, my date of conception was 6 August 1940. I'm sure my mother, who still thought babies came in cabbages when she got married, would have been concerned about how they knew this. I mean, was Homeland Insecurity looking in the back window of my father's old Plymouth?

Anyway, there was some interesting stuff.

  1. You are 2,145,183,640 seconds old, about the same as the nat. debt.
  2. That is equivalent to 9.7174168297456 dog years. I'll assume that's approximate.
  3. William Randolph Hearst was born on the same day which doesn't please me much but Duke Ellington, Uma Thurman and Michelle Pfeiffer do.
  4. You were born in the Chinese Year of the Snake. Who would have guessed?
  5. Your Native American Zodiac sign is the Beaver. We'll let that go.
  6. The Mayan Calendar long count of your birthday is 12 baktun 16 datun 7 tun 5 uinal 9 kin. Cripes, it's no wonder they went extinct.
  7. Top song of the day was "I don't want to set the world on fire" by Hoarce Heidt. I'll bet a fish named Judy knows it. Refer back to the Native American Zodiac sign.
  8. Your 68 candles will produce 17,136 calories of heat which will heat 7.77 US ounces of water or a very small flame in your heart.
  9. In '41 births added 2.5 million to the already 132 million population. Today over 4 million new babies a year push the population over 306 million.
  10. In the US someone dies every 12 seconds. Unfortunately someone is born every 8 seconds. Overall, we are increasing by one new person every 14 seconds.
  11. Since this is not working out very well for us, I was hoping some of you older persons, like over 68 of course, wouldn't mind croaking early to help us to get that back to a 1 to 1 ratio.
  12. Last, your birth tree is the Walnut Tree, the passion. Strange, full of nuts…contrasts, often egotistic (A rather rude thing to say about a person that's perfect), no compromises and passionate. Ladies, please refer back to the Native American Zodiac sign.

Next month we learn "Evri samting yu wantem save long Bislama be yu fraet tumas blong askem".




Well this year is moving right along at a pace I do not understand! We have had 5 meetings already, got our cars out of the garage and socialized to beat the band. The coming months are full with parades, car shows, camping trips, a rendezvous, and so many other events it is hard to keep track. Pace yourself and have fun! Be a good friend to others and remember the impact that all you say and do can have on those around you.


Thanks for another great turnout at this month's meet, the crazy hats were fun, the raffle was great, Jim Gleeson thinks so, $145.00 worth.

Thanks to Ed Hammond and Bill Waite for the hand made donations, Dick, Duane and all the members for their generous contributions.


Harry ruminating about the year he was born got me to thinking about my birth year 1948. Harry Truman was President; GE came out with a new 12inch TV, Whizzer made a motor for your bike for just $97.55. More Doctors Smoked Camel than any other Cigarette according to independent studies. Halo Shampoo cost $0.19 and on May 10th Bill K Morrow and his Wife Louella A Morrow became the proud parents of a 9 lb 9 oz bouncing baby boy they named Bill Keith Morrow Jr. I was taken home from the hospital in a 1934 Ford Convertible with a rumble seat, the car my Dad bought the week before he met my mom!


Spin them tires, Prez Bill