Thursday, October 11, 2007

Whidbey Cruzers SHOP TALK Oct 07

October 2, 2007 "CRUZIN' The Millennium" VOL. 11-10

President Ed Hammond called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at 7:00 PM at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge, October 2, 2007. 62 people were present and there were no visitors who had never been to a meeting before. Jack Stiltz however, was present. There were no corrections or additions to the previous minutes and they were accepted as published in the news letter and on the website. Non members of the Elks Lodge were reminded to sign the guest book.



Ed Hammond announced that Dean Lohman had been voted on and was accepted as our newest member. Dean said that she could finally join the club as Larry had bought her a 1972 Chevy 454 custom truck in a very pretty red color.



Jim Rairigh

START $7399.90



T-shirts $56.00

Car fines $14.00

Plaques $18.00

50/50 $110.00

Xmas party fund $300.00

Fun meters $2.00



Ed Hammond Jr., web site $110.00

Virginia Teker, membership $199.74

Don Sullivan, Lake Chelan Cruise $51.04

Darlene Hammond, fellowship $15.55


FINISH $7521.57



As this was the first month of no car fines for not driving your ride to the meeting until next April many members felt safe to bring other means of transportation.



The cruz guru Don "Sully" Sullivan, gave a report on the success of the Lake Chelan Loop Loop cruise on September 14,15,16, 2007. 31 cars and a Peterbuilt with trailer attended the cruise and met up with two motor homes of people in Chelan. Everything went pretty well with the staggered 3 groups of cars until leaving Winthrop when Ron and Virginia Teker driving their Chevy Blazer had their motor quit and had to be towed home to Oak Harbor. They were the only "permanent casualty". There were two other minor mishaps, one was the car at the top of Washington Pass that stopped and the driver thought that maybe he could start it by putting it in neutral. Since he had no shift indicator, he stuck it in reverse and it locked up and went sliding down the Pass. For that mishap, Don Souza won the Rubber Chicken Award at the parking lot party. He has already warned people that he will be passing it on the next chance he gets.

The other mishap took place in Campbells restaurant parking lot when Don Sully Sullivan took his bride to dinner for their anniversary. He stopped the roadster in front of the door to let her out and couldn't get it started again. He managed to get Rock Star parking for twenty minutes with that excuse.

The parking lot "Hillbilly" theme party was a gas. All of the costumes were excellent but Lyla Lillis was the absolute best. Archie came as himself as did Sully Sullivan. There was even entertainment provided by Gail Stultz and Mary Benninghoff in the form of a Hillbilly ode to the Bobbitts.

Probably no need to mention that the parking lot feast was taken very seriously and there was such an abundance of food that it took 9 room tables to accommodate all of it.

The first prize winners for the Trivia contest on the way over were Jim and Carole Croft while Ray and Flo Payeur took second. Lots of phone calls were made to friends and even some computer work was done to get answers to the questions. LaDonna Nickels however, spent her ride over doing Sudoku.

Saturday was a free day and some people went for boat and sea plane rides on the Lake. Most everyone went for sumptuous dining at Campbells that night. Sunday morning a small group left early and went home the way they had come over, hoping that they could get the trivia answers right on the second try.

The rest of the group went on to Leavenworth where some time was allotted for Shopping and then on to the 59er Diner where they treated us like royalty and closed the restaurant to other patrons. We dined on real, old fashioned drive in food that I recalled from my youth.

After we left the diner it started to pour and the rest of the ride home was bleak in the rain.

Thanks were given to Jimmy Flowers and Bruce Biddle for their adept leadership to their groups.


Don Sullivan sent a sign up sheet around for a dinner cruise to the FLOUNDER BAY restaurant in Anacortes on October 21, 2007 and 35 people signed up for it. We will be leaving from Flowers Marine on Sunday around 4:15 PM. Make sure that you have a full tank of gas.



Virginia Teker said that Ed had stolen her thunder by announcing Dean Lohman as our newest member. She had several "merit badges" as she called the name tags, to give out.

In a side note, she mentioned that after the humiliating experience of having to get towed home from Winthrop, they had purchased a new car the next day. The Chrysler Pacifica is now the first car they own made in this century.

Virginia Teker has a new email address so please make the change on your "Rooster". is the new email address where you can contact her if you have any new info., or want copies of the "Rooster" mailed to you. She will put out a new "Rooster" about every three months.



Ted Mann was short and to the point sweet tonight with only 0ne car show for November within spitting distance.


17 Elite Project Santa Claus Show, Bellingham, WA



Harry Abbott, better known as "Harriett" because of the ladies long black wig that he donned to become the Bucket Dudette, had composed a story he called the "Bridge Logo Saga" from the club's first years meeting minutes. At that time Ray Payeur was president and Gail Stultz was historian and secretary. Craig Maxwell started the trouble when he suggested that the Deception Pass Bridge be used for the club logo.

At the 3rd meeting 3 new people were applying for membership, Jim and Carole Croft and Don Sullivan. By the 5th meeting there were 29 members and the treasury stood at $376.00

A surprise cruise was held where everyone showed up not knowing where they were going, but came with a full tank of gas in anticipation.

By the 8th meeting, Ray Payeur dubbed as "the hard core president", had found 12 new people for membership.

At the end of the first year, the club had a total of 39 members and $452.04 in the treasury.

The nominated logo chairperson had finished designing the bridge logo, except for the color, which turned out to be a problem because that person wanted the color purple!

Tune in next month for the continuing saga of "The Bridge Logo".


Harry then went on to give out awards for the Lake Chelan Cruise participants, who had endured the most hardships. The "Red Roadster Award" went to Vicki Sullivan, hopefully to resurrect her hair, after being the only woman going the longest distance in an open top car. The "Iron Man Award" for suffering beyond the call of duty went to Jim Rairigh who was literally water logged after his ride home in the rain. He was warned that he would end up with rusty vents if that continued. The last award went to Don Sullivan in the form of a windshield wiper blade, for putting up with his wife's ongoing repertoire on the comforts of his car, hopefully to remind him that if he takes her on another ride like that, she will tell him where to put it.



As "Little Miss Sunshine", Darlene Hammond had nothing to report, "Big Mr. Sunshine" Ed Hammond, took the spotlight reporting that he had contacted Bob Cairns who is at home suffering from a liver infection. Bob has planned on coming to some of the recent club activities but has been unable to because of Randi's health. It was proposed by Jimmy Flowers that the club do a cruise to Bob's neighborhood so that he and Randi didn't have to come here for a change. Bruce Biddle suggested a Pot Luck at the Senior Center next door to Bob's. Several people offered to be instrumental in setting that up.

Judy Barnum had gone into the hospital in late September for back surgery and was back home convalescing. The procedure appears to have been successful however she may be out of action for three months. Phone calls and cards would be appreciated.



Lyla Lillis was not able to be present so Alma Williams filled in for her.

October 5-8 is the Friday Creek Campout, arriving on Friday and departing on Monday. 5 couples have signed up already. For those not camping there will be a potluck on Sat. the 6th at around 2:00PM. They have the use of the clubhouse if it rains.

OCTOBER 21 is the Flounder Bay Dinner Cruise. $11.00 early bird special with many choices and live music. Leaves Flowers Marine at 4:15 PM. 35 people have signed up so far.

OCTOBER 31 is Trick N Trunk in front of Frontier Chevrolet Oak Harbor starting at 4:00 PM and ending around 7:00 PM. Wearing costumes and decorating your car trunks would be appreciated along with the tons of candy you will be handing out. Afterwards there will be a Potluck Party for those who participated in the Trick N Trunk, at Chuck and Gail Jaeger's shop. You can drop off your dish before if you wish.

NOVEMBER 9 is the Sock Hop at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Dinner is 6:00 pm – 7:30 PM with music and dancing 7:30 – 11:00 PM. The $8.00 fee includes: burger fries, root beer float and admission to the dance. If you have sock hop clothes, dress accordingly.

NOVEMBER 22 is The Community Harvest Celebration Thanksgiving Dinner at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge from 11:00 AM – 5:30 PM



There were no new affairs to discuss as Jim Gleeson was unable to be present.



Nominations were opened to the floor for the 2008 club officers. So far the nominates are:

President Don Sullivan

Vice President Mike Harris

Ted Mann

Secretary Joan Reeves

Treasurer Virginia Teker

There were no new nominations. The voting for Vice President will take place at the Nov. meeting and you must be present to vote.



Ed Hammond received an email from at Oak Harbor high school who teaches video and broadcast communications. The students "Wild Cat TV" group that covered the 2007 Cruzin' The Harbor Car Show, now has the DVD available as seen on channel 21 for $21.95. Many of our club members are interviewed in it and it is a tribute to our club.

Also Chris wondered if we could suggest someplace to get the "WILD CAT" van painted purple and their logo put on in gold at a possible discounted price. The single word ( PURPLE) spurred Larry Smith into action, and along with Ed Hammond thought this would be nice to do for the students at the Oak Harbor High School.

Larry asked for volunteers from the club to overhaul the van and paint it (purple), of which he said he had plenty of color of paint. He figured that the rest of supplies would cost around $200.00 including the graphics for Wildcat TV and the Whidbey Cruzers Logo. It was motioned and voted on by the club members present to donate up to $500.00 for this project. Watch your emails as work will begin this weekend.



If you have gone to the website lately and haven't been able to get in, it was because Ed Jr. accidentally failed to renew our Web Domain. It has since been taken care of and renewed for 3 years and should be back up and running smoothly within a week.

Be sure to check out the photo shows done by Ed Hammond Sr. from the Lake Chelan cruise and the progress of the Wild Cat TV van project.



Jack Stiltz was present to remind everyone of the upcoming charitable event on November 22, 2007 where Thanksgiving dinner is cooked, served and delivered to any one who asks in our community. This takes place at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge from 11:00 AM – 5:30 PM. As in the past, Jack was asking for volunteers from our club to help serve and deliver meals as well as transport people to and from the Lodge for their meal. I can't think of a better way to spend Thanksgiving than this. Jack Stiltz or Lyla Lillis will pass a sign up sheet for volunteers next meeting. Over 4400 people were provided dinner last year.



Bucket Dude / Dudette Harry ( Harriet) Abbott

Winner $100.00 Eldred Nienhuis

Other prizes included flashlights, compass, Coca Cola tray, Knives, a hummingbird mobile, a 35" tape measure, car model, car cleaning supplies and of course t-shirts

Winners were: Jim Haddon, Larry Smith, Herb Terrill, Tom Nickels, Jim Croft, Jerry Hammond, Bob McConchie, Darlene Hammond, Pat Covello, Greg Speck, Jim Rairigh, Bruce Biddle and Ed Barrett.




1964 Buick Riviera 425 Automatic Transmission $10,000 or Best Offer

Contact Roger Edwards 360-675-8887

1955 Ford F 600 1 ½ ton ex Army truck 6 cyl., 4 speed, 12 ft. factory Ford bed with Military plate on dash. Complete truck & good tires $950.00 or Best Offer.

1958 Ford F 100 Short Box Step Side, big rear windows, 6 cyl., 3 speed $1750.00 or Best Offer.

1956 F 100 Cab, Box rear fenders 2 running boards, (1) ¾ ton rolling chassis, (1) ½ ton rolling chassis plus lots more stuff.

Contact Bob Bushaw at 360-826-3434. Harry Abbott has pictures if you are interested.

Custom Heavy Duty Flatbed Car Hauler, tilt bed with beaver tail, electric brakes w/emergency break away switch, anodized paint, duel axel, radial ST225/75R15 tires on 5 hole GMC wheels, removable loading wrench, straps for tying down auto, four D rings, overall width – 101", overall length – 23 ', width between wheel wells, fenders – 81", 2 5/16" ball trailer, axel weight – 1620 lb.? tongue weight 480 lbs.? net weight total – 2100 lbs.?

I know this trailer somewhat because it has hauled one of my cars a few times. If you see it, it might meet your needs. I would be happy to show it to you in Mukilteo. Call Pat Covello at 360-678-8758 $2800.00 or Best Reasonable Offer. This trailer would sell new at $4000.00-$4500.00. Pat has pictures if interested.



Jim Rairigh is collecting the money for the Xmas Party tickets. The cost is $30.00 per person. The money must be in 2 weeks prior but it would be nice to have a head count earlier. The party is December 15th at the CPO Club. Cocktails start at 5:30 PM, dinner at 6:30 PM followed by the changing of the officers, entertainment at 8:00 PM followed by music and dancing.

Second to the last reminder to get your song requests into the DJ at



The dues for 2008 membership are now being collected by Jim Rairigh. The $25.00 dues can be mailed in or given to Jim personally.



The next meeting will be held on Tuesday November 6, 2007 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Please plan on attending as this will be an important meeting, voting on the officers and volunteering for the Harvest Thanksgiving dinner.




4 Carl Taton

7 Don Bierce

10 Don Stultz

11 Jim Brix

13 Greg Speck

18 Barb Holmes

22 John Grayson

22 Neil Berger

23 Walt Carvan

24 Stan Grovdahl

24 Eldred Nienhuis

25 Bruce Beamer

25 Carol Stone

29 Ray Oban




1 Ted and Barb Mann

8 Bud and Brenda Ackley

25 Chuck and Carol Stone











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