Saturday, March 8, 2008

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Shop Talk – March 2008

"Happy St. Patrick's Day"

President Don (Sully) called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at 7:02 p.m. at Oak Harbor Elks Lodge March 4, 2008. There were 91 in attendance. Previous minutes approved as published in the newsletter and website.

New Members

The new members present introduced themselves, first Mike Koontz who lives out by Deception Pass and has a 53 "Merc". Next were Larry Brewer and Pam Taylor from Anacortes and all I got as far as a car(s) was a Corvette and that was from a proud Pam!! Next Sully introduced Roger White and his wife Melinda but didn't hear what vehicle(s) they have. The other new members not present were Mark Franzzen and his wife Karen who own a 32 Chevy Sedan. WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! If names are wrong or misspelled I apologize before hand, but will get it right the next time.

Treasurer's Report: Virginia Teker


Beginning Balance 8,081.38


50/50 February Meeting 111.00

Sales – Plaques 18.00

Sales – Cookbooks 12.00

Dues for 2008 825.00




2007 Christmas Party expense

CPO Club "unposted charge" (100.00)

Seabury & Smith – liability ins. (200.00)

Bay Printing – newsletters for Jan. & Feb. (60.89)

Mike Mahoney – trophy (85.86)

Pat Covello – Printing car show Schedules (37.72)

Darlene Hammond – cards & stamps (38.74)





Virginia Teker said that March 1, was the deadline for paying membership dues or names would get dropped off the roster. She sent out reminders mid February and rec'd several responses with paid memberships. The following names will be dropped off the roster unless otherwise noted: Christiana Cairns, Joe Chandler, Michael Carns?, Eric Duling, Maurice Elder, Thomas Gibson, Harvey Goehring, Bobby Gregg, Lyle and Teri Jones, Judy Kringler, Scott Lee, and Jason Woods, Dave Sweetwood and Libby Roberts. These are most of the names Virginia indicated would be dropped from our roster due to unpaid 2008 membership. If any member sees the above mentioned please encourage them to pay and rejoin the fun. A new roster will be emailed in a couple of weeks. Thanks Virginia!

Cruz Committee

Sully requested again that he be replaced as Cruz Committee Chair. Dan Terrill and Mel Rogers volunteered to co-chair and relieve him. It's great to have newer members take on this task. The membership will support you wherever we can.


Our Historian, Harry Abbott "Mr. Kahuna" made a late entrance to the meeting dressed in a straw hat, large dark sunglasses, Hawaiian shirt, and thongs with no socks. He was quite a SPECTACLE! There was no history lesson again this meeting. Harry Abbott passed the book to a couple new members so they could see how or what to add.

Sunshine Committee

Darlene Hammond reported she sent no cards for February. Virginia Teker requested Darlene send a card to Duane Dillard who recently went through a Hernia operation and is having a bit of a hard time with recovery.

Social Committee

Muscle Fest
– In Coupeville behind the Community Center there was a mini show and shine. Sully asked the Roger's and Parhaniemi's to head it. Saturday 7 cars showed and then on Sunday 14 cars showed. Herb Carrol, Ted Mann, Rollin Whited, Dan Champlin, Lynn Holmes, Greg Speck, Rudy had two cars there, Ed Hammond, Pat Covello, The Rogers had their Mini Cooper there, Flo and Ray, Bill Waite and Sully were all there. Deanna took pictures and had tags for the cars. A big thank for a job well done!!

1. Tom Patton's 50th Birthday Party – March 15. NO GIFTS PLEASE! Former and long time member is finally turning 50 and having a party. It's a potluck so bring a dish and your own BYOB. It will be at the Dugualla Bay Club House. 6:00 pm. They will have a keg of beer, assorted sodas and eating utensils. Directions: From Oak Harbor on Hwy 20, before you get to Dugualla Bay, turn East on Frostad Rd, go straight ahead past the totem sign, 1st Rd to left, keep lefts going until you reach the clubhouse.

2. Ferrell's Museum Cruise – March 16. Leave Flowers Marine at 11:00 am. The route will take us on to Cook Rd. where there will be another club joining us and on to Ferrell's. It's requested that we wear our name tags to show others who we are and to distinguish us as Whidbey Cruzers. Leaving Ferrell's about 2 pm.

3. Don 'Toby' Tabach's 60th Birthday Bash – March 16. NO GIFTS PLEASE! The Southard's home. Bring a potluck dish and BYOB. It starts at 3 p.m.

4. St. Patrick's Day Parade – March 17. The Whidbey Cruzers have been invited to participate in this year's parade. Any Cruzer wishing to drive their car will meet at Smith Park (street next to Enterprise Car Rental) at 3 pm. They will tell you how line up and we can decorate our vehicles at that time. There will be two separate lines. Gail Jaeger is coordinating the Red Hot YA, YA's. Those who participate in the parade are invited to a potluck at Bud & Brenda Ackley's, a corn beef and cabbage, etc. GREAT!

5. Dinner Social, "The Happy Dragon", April 8. 6:00 pm. Restaurant located next to the "DOLLAR TREE" store.

6. Dinner Cruz, Conway Pub, April 24. The caravan will leave Flowers Marine at 5:00 pm.

7. Memorial Day Parade, Coupeville, May 24. Whidbey Cruzers may enter their rides at no cost. Some may volunteer space in their car for Veteran's. The Navy Band Northwest will be performing at the end of the parade route in the park.

Anyone thinking about a social event or may want to set up one ask Lyla and she will advise you how to do this and what to consider. Contact her at 360-675-2925.

Car Show Committee

Pat Covello brought back the previous car show schedules plus flyers for the Greenbank Car Show were on hand. XXX Drive-In from Issaquah sent a separate car show schedule flyers available to take home. Pat spouted out various car shows that were coming up. If you need a copy of the CruZin' Magazine Calendar of Events, a Goodguys Calendar, or want to know about any other car show contact Pat at 360-678-8758. See "Events Calendar at a Glance" for some of the car shows Pat mentioned. It was also suggested that anyone or several cars going to a car show they could act as "leader of the pack" for that particular show and leave from Flowers Marine together and caravan to the show.

Old Business:

"This is not a Car Show" Rendezvous – Harry Abbott gave us a report on suggestions and ideas the committee came up with, and they are:


2. Date: July 26, Saturday

3. Locale: Flowers/Car Depot

4. Food: Catered by Net Drive-In, $9 per person and guests

5. Music: Yes

6. Tokens of Recognition: Harry and Ray would make a bunch of plaques for those who want to choose an funny item for recognition on a car. Need money authorization and do you want to put plaques on the wood.

7. Games: Yes

8. Invitations: Yes, Twin City Idlers, Majestic Glass, etc.

Lots of discussion followed about food, parking, the public, etc. There was so much discussion held that President Sully tabled this discussion for next meeting.

More thoughts and comments send to Harry Abbott at or call him at 360-240-8474.


Need a new Whidbey Cruzer jacket, T-Shirt or hat embroidered with our Club logo? The following options are yours for the choosing:

1. Whidbey Cleaners – Located next to the new shopping complex across from Seven Eleven. 1025 NE 7th Ave. Oak Harbor. 360-675-7182.

2. Darlene Dando – 360-679-0429.

3. Bayview Embroidery – 890 SE Pioneer Way, Oak Harbor. 360-679-7900.

If you're a new member check out all three choices and go with the one that will give you what you want. Ask other Cruzers about the above choices to see which they prefer or have an opinion.

PIN STRIPING – Dave Austin. He's interested in coming up to Oak Harbor again to do pin striping. If interested contact Ted Mann and figure a good day and time to do this, there has to be enough cars to make it worth his drive up here. In conjunction with the pinstriping there is the possibility of pictures for a website, check it out


FOR SALE: 1949 DeSoto Delux 4 door – 3 speed fluid drive, 37,444 miles,

One cracked window in passenger door window behind driver, Stock 6 cyl. Flathead, 6 volt and part 12 volt conversion. CALL DENNIS SIGLER at 360-678-4421, 5:30pm – 7:30pm. $2,250.00.

***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified.

If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.

Events Calendar at a Glance

Date Event Location POC

03/15 Tom Patton's 50th Party Dugualla Bay Club House 360-675-2925

03/15-16 Spring Swap/Vintage Show Puyallup 360-456-8938

03/16 Ferrell Museum Cruise Sedro Woolley 360-675-2925

03/16 VW @ XXX Drive-In Issaquah 253-841-2037

03/16 Toby Tabach's 60th Party Southard's Home/961 W Yates Rd 360-675-2925

03/17 St. Patrick's Day Parade Downtown Oak Harbor 360-675-2925

03/30 Leprechaun Daze Bellingham 360-380-2733

04/01 Cruzer Potluck/Mtg. Oak Harbor Elks Lodge 360-679-7936

04/08 Dinner Social The Happy Dragon 360-675-2925

04/19 Mt. Vernon Swap Meet Mt. Vernon 360-421-1407

04/20 April Showers Show & Shine Burlington 360-592-4055

04/24 Dinner Cruz Conway Pub 360-675-2925

04/26 Holland Happening Parade Downtown Oak Harbor

05/24 Memorial Day Parade Coupeville 360-675-2925

06/14 Greenbank Car Show Greenbank Farms 360-9291609


50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes: Bucket Dude – Bruce Biddle

Knives, knives, and more knives, short ones, skinny ones, large ones with beautiful handles. T – Shirts, fuzzy dice, mouse pads, 1960 car book as well as cookbook and car or pickup die cast models and bauble head little doggies.

50/50 Winner: Jim Jaeger $148.50

The people who took home door prizes were: Byron Baxley, Gail Haeger, Bud Ackley, Todd Stephenson, Jim Haddon, Fred Benninghoff, Dan Terrill, Judy Biddle, Ofelia Champlin, Pam Taylor, Rich Turner, Larry Phillips, Jim Croft, Ron Teker, Rudy Parhaniemi, and Ed Barrett.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting is Tuesday, April 1, 2008 NO FOOLIN!, at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. There will be a potluck at 6 p.m. and general meeting at 7 p.m. Bring a dish to share, utensils, plates, and a drink if you wish. Come and meet your new officers for 2008 and see what's happening!! Please remember to sign in at the front entrance.



Margaret Cook 8

Shirley Taft 12

Linda Brevik 13

Joan Reeves 15

Julie Stephenson 18

Wendy Sines 20

Patrick Covello 21

Duck Daugherty 24

Todd Stephenson 24

Leroy Cook 25

Doreen Gibson 27

Harry Abbott 29

Larry Kitchel 30

Gail Stultz 30



Bruce/Gayle Forbes 12

Rick/Linda Brevik 17


Please help me meet my basic goal in regards to the newsletter, which is completing and getting the newsletter mailed and on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings or by the Friday following the monthly meeting.

If you have any concerns, questions or need something please don't hesitate to call me. 360-679-7936.



Another great meeting with 91 members in attendance. It is nice to see the large attendance and smiling faces. Our membership is increasing and it's great opportunity for the "seasoned" members to introduce ourselves and exchange information and cultivate new friendships. Again the Pot Luck had really great food and conversation.

Again thanks to Mel/Deanna Rogers and Rudy/Coleen Parhaniemi for the fine work at the Coupeville Mussel Fest. Saturday was a little damp but Sunday turned out to be a decent day with 14 Cruzers and cars in attendance. The mussels and music were great.

The weather is starting to show signs of getting better and the events are starting to fill in our calendars. Keep an eye on the web site for up coming socials and cruzes. If you want to lead an outing on the week ends just pick a place and let Lyla know so we can get an e-mail out. Some times the last minute trips are best. Actually, I have never been on a bad one. Be careful out there.

Cruze til ya bruise…….Sully

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