Sunday, September 7, 2008

Shop Talk – September 2008




President Don (Sully) Sullivan called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order 7:06 p.m. at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge, September 2, 2008. There were 47 in attendance. Previous minutes were approved as published in newsletter.




Long time member Don Berg introduced his guest John Bradshaw who is thinking about joining. Sully asked him to tell us about himself, what classics he owns. I think that was a mistake, he started by saying he currently has a 66 Chevelle Convertible, a Chevy Camaro SS, several mustangs and others to which he was asked where he stores them? He lives in Anacortes and is a maintenance man by trade and has worked on cars most of his life. We hope to see you again, John.


Car Fines


September brought sunny weather and many of our beautiful classics out, but, as always, there are a few that still drive there daily cars. The August meeting no fines were collected, this meeting brought a few bucks.


Treasurer's Report for August 2008: Virginia Teker


Beginning Balance $ 9347.50


Intake                                                                    ZERO



Joan Reeves, newsletter

Printing/mailing     73.24

Bay Printing, Aug. newsletter      31.24

Sec. of State, Corp. Renewal      10.00

DOL, trailer tabs      36.75

Ed Hammond Jr., website      95.00

Rendezvous Expenses

Diamond Rentals 162.60

Steve Sunimers (food) 1359.00

Custom Engraving 304.88 1826.48


Total Exhaust 2072.71


Ending Balance
$ 7274.29




Virginia mentioned that a couple of applications were received but they still needed to be reviewed by the Board for approval, so it was tabled. When asked she reported that there were approximately 160 members.


Cruz Committee


September 19-21 - Mel Rogers got up and mentioned the Chelan Loop
Cruise was upon us and said there was still room to go. This cruise has a Mexican Theme. The caravan of Cruzers will leave from Flowers at 8:00 am Friday the 19th of September. A question was asked about dancing, Mel said to ask Deanna!! He said he would be talking to those going by phone. Contact Mel or Deanna for info, last minute questions, or a desire to join the cruise, should be real fun! 360-678-7727. Dan Terrill had no input.




Harry brought the history book for those look at. He stated he had some Rendezvous tickets left over and offered them to the membership as souvenirs of our first. He was a little concerned about not being able to sleep, Sleeping Pills? Let him tell you the story, because your secretary didn't get it. He then talked about the names in our club and how many names are the same, such as Judy! He went back into our history and found there were 6 Judy's, 7 Mary's, and 8 Jimmy's! Harry, thank you for such insightful trivia! Keep'm coming.


Sunshine Committee


Darlene and Ed Hammond were not in attendance to give the report. The membership informed us that Pam Taylor was back in the hospital, Judy Biddle had an operation for a Hiatal Hernia, doing well; inquire with Bruce or Judy herself! Someone said that Bud Ackley has a herniated disk that will need an operation, but don't know where or when at this time. It was also mentioned that Don Sousa has some kind of flu. If you would like to know more ask those involved.


Social Committee


Lyla mentioned past happenings and a Bluegrass Festival on September the 13th. Call her if interested.


Fairhaven Shopping Trip, September 23 – Carpool to Fairhaven for lunch at "Big Fat Fish Co." and
shop. Please sign up with Lyla or Suzi Souza so Suzi can give a count for lunch. I don't know where they will be leaving from (probably Flowers), ask Lyla or Suzi. An email will probably be sent out!


Got anything social or otherwise for October, call her!!!


Contact Lyla also and she will make sure you get on the list for any of the above events. Anyone thinking about a social event or may want to set up one ask Lyla and she will advise you how to do this and what to consider. 360-675-2925.




Jack's Park Picnic, Aug 10 - Carol and Chuck Stone sent the following report: Twenty five people had a wonderful time…we expected a lot more Cruzers, but we think the Pig Roast on Fidelgo kinda took some of them away from us.. We had horseshoe and mini golf tournaments, lots of delicious food showed up, and for the potluck we had 3 barbeques going strong. Big winners were Doyle Lewis and Bob Cairns in the horseshoe event, and Chuck Stone and Rollin Whited were runners up. The golf was won by Judy Whited with a great 24 and runners up were Carol Stone and Norma Lounsberry, both with 25! We parked all the classics in the park area and it was a great photo opportunity. The weather was perfect and our hosts Jack and Norma Lounsberry had the park looking more beautiful than ever. Thank you to both of them. Thank you Carol and Chuck for this report!!


Other Activities mentioned:


Pig Roast on Fidalgo Street – Great tasting pig.

Friday Creek Campout – Soggy, but great, Alma stole enough wood to keep everyone warm, 19 rigs showed, which left only 4 spaces open.


Car Show Committee


Pat read off a list of car shows in a 100 mi radius, you can view those in the Calendar At a Glance or the Whidbey Cruzer website There were several other car shows that he stated from flyers he has, so if interested contact Pat right away because they may be happening the weekend of the 12th of September. 360-678-8758


Upchurch's 2nd Annual Show & Shine, Friday September 12, 11-1:00 p.m. - No
entry fee, and FREE Burgers and Hot Dogs for the entrants. There may also be a tour of the facility. Meet at Flowers at 10:00 a.m. and leave at 10:15.(info put out in email). The meeting put out that cars needed to be in place at Upchurch's by 10:00 a.m. To get the correct info call Fred. All types of vehicles accepted, daily drivers, work in progress, new, old, motorcycles, etc. They would like an idea in advance of the number expected, and just by a show of hands there were about twenty. Contact Fred Benninghoff at 360-675-7499 to be added to the count.




LaMay Museum Membership – As requested at a previous meeting Treasurer Virginia was asked to find out what privileges we got for the $250 membership. The previous membership was $100. It was stated that we got exactly the same as before, preferred access to events and tours, free tickets, parking, etc. A short discussion was held and Larry Smith moved that we not renew our membership based on the fact that if you worked during the open show you got free access, board and meals. The motion was seconded and with a majority vote approved to not renew.




Elections of Officers – The current Board of Officers is putting together a slate of nominees for next year's officers. So far Mike Harris has agreed to run for President, Harry Abbott for Vice President and Joan Reeves for Secretary. It was mentioned at the meeting that Pat Covello is looking for someone to take over as Car Show Committee Chair and Virginia would like to have someone take over as Membership Chair. Lyla Lillis has also expressed that if someone else has the desire to take over as Social Chair talk to her.


We would like to have at least two people to run for the offices so members have an option when they vote. So, if anyone has a name or knows of a member who will run submit their names to a board member and we will add them to the slate of nominees. There is always the option of attending the October meeting and nominating someone in person. See the back of the newsletter or on the website for phone numbers.




Not too different than us except for volume!




Home: Rolling Hills, California

Profession: Executive, Edelbrock Corp.


Accomplishments: USC Graduate in Business, SEMA President 1970-74, SEMA Board of Directors 1966-88, PWA Man of the Year 1982 and 1987, Inducted into SREA Street Rod Hall of Fame 1991, Races a 1963 Corvette Split Window, 1968 Z28 Trans Am Spec. and a 1959 Costin Lister in vintages car races.


Automotive Introduction: "I was born into them!"

First Car Owned: 1946 Ford Convertible

Best Car Owned: Corvette

Dream Cars: Corvettes and Vipers

Last Car Restored: 1965 Shelby GT-350

Automobiles Currently Owned: A whole bunch of Corvettes, Street Rods, 1967 SS Chevelle 396, and a Viper to name a few.


Biggest Influence: "My father, Vic Sr.


Quote: "Stay healthy, work hard and play hard."




1966 Chevy II, SS 283 cu engine, Auto Transmission, Red Paint & Interior, Rally Rims, AMFM auto radio, Bucket seats and console. For interest and info. Contact 360-679-3362.


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified.


If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.


Events Calendar at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location                        _ ___POC____


09/12                        Upchurch Car Show                                                        Goldie Rd, O.H.                                 360-675-7499

09/13     3rd Speed & Chrome Open Bellingham 360-398-1469

09/13                        Classic Yacht/Car Show     LaConner 360-466-4778

09/14 All Ford Meet, XXX Issaquah                                                        425-387-9450

09/14 Founder's Day Car Show Sedro Woolley 360-592-4055

09/20                        One Last Summer Fling Shoreline 206-364-7131

09/19-21 Cascade Loop Cruise Overnight Chelan 360-678-7727

09/21 All Mazda Meet, XXX Issaquah 425-231-1809

09/23 Girls Shopping Cruise Fairhaven 360-240-8924

09/27 Jerry Chamber Chev Open Show Bellingham 360-733-7997

09/27 Old Mill Days Classic Pt Gamble 360-620-1732

09/28 Classic Car/Hot Rod Display Snohomish 360-568-2526

10/07 Cruzer Potluck/General Mtg OH Elks Lodge 360-679-7936

10/11-12 Monroe Swap Meet Monroe 360-738-4683




50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes:


50/50 Winner: Jerry Rolfe $78.00


Bucket Dude was Matt McMillan. He finally showed up on time to fulfill his obligation to sell 50/50 tickets. Door prizes consisted of a #5 Kyle Bush T-shirt, picture tree, Seahawks wristwatch, two Sally Garden's gift certificates, four small knives, two Net Drive-In hats, singing motorcycle dude, a Hooters gift set, and a Craftsman 5-piece tool set.


Winners were Brice DeVos, Greg Speck, Ron Teker, Jerry Wolfe, John Kingsbury, Tim Oest, Pat Covello, Deanna Rogers, and Jolene DeVos.


Thank you again to Dick Shanniak for his many contributions of the door prizes given out each month and others who contribute. Much appreciated.


Next Meeting:


Our meeting next month is October 7, 2008 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Potluck begins at 6:00 p.m. HALLOWEEN THEME!!! Bring a black/orange dish (be creative) to share, plates and utensils and a drink if you wish. A general meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. The October and November meetings are important for election of new officers and Christmas Party details. November is the last meeting of the year! Please remember to sign in at the front entrance inside the door.




Bruce Biddle mentioned one or two cars for sale, but wasn't able to hear the details about them. Ask him, they might still be available? 360-675-6970.






Vic Gabrenas 1

Darlene Hammond 1

Clarice Rairigh 1

Doyle Lewis 1

Sharon Covello 6

Gail Jaeger 8

Scott Wernecke                        16

Jim Haddon 17

Brice DeVos 31

Joe Spiker 31






Matt/Heather McMillan 6

Harvey/Bernadine Goehring 8

Jim/Carole Croft 9

Bill/Dorothy Waite 14

Rick/Judy Klemencic 17

Rollin/Judy Whited 18

Scott/Frankie Wernecke 24




REQUEST: Please speak loudly when addressing the membership or giving a report so I don't miss out on important information. Our meetings are fun, crazy, and informative and I want to make sure I get the correct info to you. Thanks!


It is my main goal in regards to the newsletter, to complete it, mail it, and be on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings and/or by the Friday following the monthly meeting.


If you have any concerns, questions or need something corrected, please don't hesitate to call me. 360-679-7936. Thanks.


FROM THE BACK SEAT 2 September, 2008



The saying time flies is so true. Here it is September and kids are back in school, days are getting shorter and cooler weather is around the corner. Looking back on the summer the club has been quite busy with car shows, socials, the Rendezvous, and camp outs. We do have a great time together and that is the really important part.


As I mentioned at the meeting I will not be here for the October meeting, so Ted Mann will preside. We have great people in this club and it is that time of the year that a few need to step forward and run for office. As an item of new business the October meeting will have nominations made for the following positions: President, Vice President, Treasure, Membership Chairperson, Car Show Chairperson, and Historian. There may be other positions open but this is what I have at the moment. I have talked to several people about running and I am sure there are some of you out there that would like to fill one of the open positions. It is not particularly hard work and takes but a few hours of time per month to keep the club running smoothly. It is also an opportunity to take an active role and get some things accomplished to make this a better club. Participation is part of membership so, don't be shy, contact any board member and let them know you are willing to volunteer for office. The October and November meetings are very important and I encourage everyone to attend and let your voice be heard.


There are a number of events on the calendar for September. The weather forecast is predicting sun and warm temperatures for at least the next two weeks so pick an event and have fun. I look forward to seeing you at one of them. Sully

























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