Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shop Talk – January 2009

New President Bill Morrow called the general meeting of the Whidbey Cruzers to order at 7:02 p.m. held at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge, January 6, 2009. There were 102 in attendance. Previous minutes were approved as published in newsletter.


Moment of Silence


Bill Morrow initiated an old tradition of the club that some had forgotten about in which we pause for a moment of silence to remember a departed club member or friend. Tonight we paused to remember Tom Roselli.


Installation of New Officers


Don (Sully) Sullivan, outgoing President, will officially install your new Board of Officers at the next meeting. If you're new to the club please come and join in the fun and meet a lot of great people to talk cars and turkey with!!!! Oh, by the way, our new President Bill Morrow had to swallow some stupid pills tonight about Robert's Rules and had to be reminded to follow through on a couple rulings by long time members Jim Smith and Ed Hammond. Oh well, first meeting, what do you expect!!!!!!




Guests this evening were Larry (sorry I didn't get your last name) who has a "48" Nash, and Kathy and Denny Dahl who have an "89" Supra. We were glad to see you at our club meeting, and hope we inspired you to join us again. Thanks for coming.


New Members


Our newest members to our group are Cliff Aaker and Sue Carpenter. I couldn't make out the car they own, so those who heard pass the word and welcome them. Remember to join us at the Pizza Factory, introduce yourselves, and make some new and longtime friends.


Treasurer's Report - Jim Rairigh


Car plaques are in, $18. Contact Jim if you want one. The following reports were read by Jim Rairigh our new Treasurer to the membership in their entirety, they were prepared by outgoing Treasurer Virginia Teker. Jim Smith initiated the motion, seconded, and reports were voted approved as read. Although all were read at meeting I will give you a summarized version of the latter two reports due to size, the detailed reports will be available with the Treasurer and Secretary as a matter of record, for your viewing if you desire:


November 2008


Beginning Balance $ 6051.88



Christmas Party 1525.00

Dues – 2008 15.00

Dues – 2009 775.00

50/50 111.00

Fun meters 8.00

Memorial Rec'd for Ray Oban 65.00



Bay Printing – ballots/newsletter 38.52

Mike Flowers – Music/Rendezvous 100.00

Saar's Mktplc – Ham/Comm. Harvest 1002.22

V. Teker – Mailing Supplies/Xmas Party 30.40



Ending Balance $ 7379.74



December 2008


Beginning Balance $ 7379.74



Christmas Party 1025.00

Dues – 2009 125.00



Bay Printing – newsletter 31.24

V. Teker – postage/supplies membership 49.54

Alma Williams – Party refund/9 tickets 225.00


Ending Balance $ 8223.96


Total currently held for Xmas Party

October 175.00

November 1525.00

December 1025.00

Refunded (December) 225.00


Funds on hand – not including Christmas Party $ 5723.96



Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2008


            Total Assets $ 8323.96


Total Liabilities & Equity $ 8323.96


Profit & Loss (January – December 2008)


Total Income $ 4929.00

Total Expenses 9838.90

Net Income $ 4909.90


Gail Jaeger and Alma Williams have agreed to audit the 2008 Treasury Accounts, but both have not been available to see the accounts as Gail is not feeling well at present and Alma's out of town, she just had to get away from Lloyd!!!


Membership – Gail Jaeger


Gail Jaeger is our new chair. She was not available for comment, but President Bill told us that she will be able to give us a new roster after all yearly dues have been collected.


Lyla rec'd an email from member Brenda Maxwell who said she got married on New Year's Eve. She is now Mrs. Arthur Blanchette living happily with the man of her dreams near Concrete, and dog Nikki.


Newly Revised Bylaws


Joan Reeves informed the membership that copies were made for pickup in front of the room and suggested couples take one copy because only 30

copies were printed. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy please contact Joan at 360-679-7936 or 360-929-4739 cell phone. A request may also be emailed to


Cruz Committee – Mel Rogers and Dan Terrill


Mel encouraged everyone to contact him about an idea for cruise that the club could participate in. At the meeting he did not have any cruises set up yet. A few people spoke up; the first was a Bonneville Salt Flats Cruise in August, and second a Lake Chelan Car Show in June 5-6. President Bill mentioned day cruises that had really no destination but just driving. A Nut House cruise is in the works, so it looks like we will be showing off!


Chelan Trip/Car Show, June 5-7 – Mel needs a quick commitment from you by next Wednesday, January 14 if you can join us. A car show on Friday and Saturday will add some purpose and fun to our trip. There will be the usual show-n-shine, poker runs, poker walks, entertainment, and a beer and wine garden. Also, The Wally Peterson Memorial Fly-In is the same weekend; and so the possibilities of an airplane show. The Mountain View Lodge is located on the North shore of Lake Chelan 7 mi. from the downtown village of Manson. Plenty of activities close to the lodge. Rates are S100/day for King and $105 for 2 queens. Discounts of 10% for 10-15 rooms and 20% for 16 or more are possible. He will reserve a block of rooms if enough interest. Call Mel at 360-678-7727 or email if there are any questions or to commit.


Historian – Ray Payeur


Our new Historian is very knowledgeable about the club because he's been here from the beginning, our first Club President and keeper of a lot of history. Ray said that he was not going to be the same kind of historian we previously had, Harry Abbott. He told us the book was being passed around to new members so they could get ideas about what to enter into the book.


Sunshine Committee – Judy Biddle


Judy's told us that in November she sent cards to Gail Jaeger, Fred and Mary Benninghoff about their son-in-law, Don Barnum, Pat Tabach, and Lloyd and Alma Williams son. In December cards were sent to Joe Spiker, Steve McCalmont, Forrie MacIntosh, and Ray Payeur. She reported that Larry Phillips is having some health concerns also. We want to wish these people quick recoveries. If you know of someone who needs some sunshine greetings please inform Judy. Judy wishes sunshine to everyone and Happy New Year. Contact her at 360-675-6970 or email


Social Committee – Vicki Sullivan


As new Social Chair Vicki is trying to make sure she has everyone's correct email address. If you have a current roster check it out and if it's not correct contact Vicki, so that you will get the skinny on any event the club has or will schedule. At the time of her report she had no events listed.


Anyone thinking about a social event or may want to set up one ask Vicki and she will advise you how to do this and what to consider. 360-678-6032.


Car Show Committee – Matt McMillan


Matt is taking over for Pat Covello this year and giving him a break. He also informed us that he drives his car 365 days a year, GOOD GOING! Matt had no car shows for January. He reported various shows in February and ended with the Seattle Roadster Show Feb 27- 1 Mar. Bob Cairns spoke up and told everyone the Seattle and Portland Roadster Shows are cancelled due to the buyer not coming through soon enough and so a deposit was not put down on the facilities, etc. Matt will also be checking various websites for shows and report any car shows that may be of interest. President Bill morrow has requested Matt to list the car shows on a bulletin type board in the meeting room for everyone to check out. See the Calendar at a Glance which lists the car shows Matt mentioned. If you gave any questions or know of a show contact Matt at 360-682-6722. His email address is


Technical Advisor – Bruce Biddle


This is a new position in the club this year. It's purpose is to have a resource and point of contact when a club member needs help building, maintenance, advice, parts, tools, etc. for your vehicles. Maybe someone actually needs help with the work, pulling a transmission, needs a garage, or upholstering, BIDDLE is the man to see. Bruce would like to know your expertise, what you're good at so that he can build a resource list when trying to help you. The volume of knowledge in this club is just amazing with new and old members. I think President Bill conned him into it. He will be your project coordinator. An example of an expert resource would be Ed Barrett for Motorcycles. Bruce did make the statement that "I will not be liable for any mistakes or goof ups". Contact Bruce at 360-675-6970 questions about what the advisor does, for comments and ideas.




2008 Christmas Party – The Christmas Party was to be held on December 20. The committee cancelled the party due to lots of SNOW!! What to do now because we have monies in the treasury that needs somewhere to go. There are a few options to discuss. Options put to the membership were as follows: A. Have a party coordinated by the Christmas Party Committee. B. No party and return monies to members. C. Have a party, return monies to members who won't be able to go, or apply monies toward 2009 dues. Discussions were held, opinions were given. Pres. Bill asked for a motion, it was moved and seconded to have a party. A vote was taken and approved. It was also moved; seconded, voted and approved that 2008 Christmas Party committee will set the date and make the arrangements. Option C. will also apply.




1. Non-paying family Honorary membership cards – It was brought up at the Board meeting that some members would like their kids, who come to events, recognized. Discussion was asked for, not to much objection, so a motion was made and seconded, voted and approved to give under age family members honorary membership cards.




None for January!!


***When the above items have been sold or acquired please notify Joan Reeves to be removed. The ads will only run for two months and then dropped unless otherwise notified.


If you have an ad you want in the newsletter send me an email, a written statement in the mail, or at the monthly meetings. 360-679-7936.


Events Calendar at a Glance


Date                     Event              Location                        _ ___POC____

02/03 Potluck/General Mtg Elks Lodge 360-679-7936

02/7-8 Corvette & Hi Perf Swap Puyallup, WA 360-786-8844

02/15 Swedish Cruise                XXX Issaquah 206-365-6913

02/13-15 Portland Rod & Custom Show Portland 360-225-0275

02/14-15 Tacoma Early Bird Swap Meet Puyallup, WA 253-863-6211




50/50 Drawing and Door Prizes:


50/50 Winner: Dan Terrill $146.00, You lucky dude!!


Bucket Dude was Harry Gibson. Door prizes for our first month were plenty.

Large Car book of the 50's, 2 books titled "Crap Cars" with pocket knives, Pizza Factory gift certificate, 2 country music CD's, M&M Car, bird house, jewelry box (pink sun glasses), ZEP Cleaner/Degreaser, fluorescent light assembly, Rainex/Towel, and finally a 1936 Ford Cabriolet model.


Winners for the evening were Lynn Holmes, Greg Speck, Frankie Wernecke, Jack Stiltz, Brenda Ackley twice, Mike Koontz, Carol Stone, Jim Croft, Jim Rairigh, Ed Barrett, and last but not least Harry Abbott. Congratulations to all!!!!


Next Meeting:


Our next meeting is February 3, 2009. Please come and enjoy the fun at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Potluck begins at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish to share, plates, utensils, and a drink if you wish. Everyone decided to come and enjoy the potluck this month. A general meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. Remember to sign in at the entry front desk.




Today Byron and Marge Baxley celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary, and boy, do they look great!!


Bruce and Judy Biddle wanted to pay tribute to our funnyman Harry Abbott at which Judy was recently the object of his affection. He gave her a pink bunny or piggy outfit that he wore on Halloween. Bruce said it has really spiced up their lives and their not giving it back to Harry. He was rewarded a sparkly joy stick and a multicolor joker's hat.


Ed Hammond rewarded Pres. Bill Morrow a new Hot August Night's coffee cup to use at Flower's every morning. The way Ed tells it his cup looked awful on the inside and the guys are tired of looking at it. Ask Pres. Bill about that eight year old cup?


Ted Mann thanked all the committee members and Virginia Teker for all the work done for the Christmas Party that got cancelled. He also asked Jim Croft if he had a similar suit to wear. Jim was going to be Santa. Thank you again.






MaryAnn Nowicki 1

George Reeves 3

Molly McIntosh 4

Lisa Morrison 4

Catherine Hernkind 8

Don Sullivan 13

Bruce Forbes 15

Barrett Taft 16

Michael Morrison 17

Jim Smith 20

Rollin Whited 21

Ronald Teker 27

Dick Shanniak 27






Vic/Judy Gabrenas 3

Jim Smith/Sandy Overton 14

Carroll/Ila Pleasance 14

Dan/Ruth Terrill 23




REQUEST: Please speak loudly when addressing the membership or giving a report so I don't miss out on important information. Our meetings are fun, crazy, and informative and I want to make sure I get the correct info to you. If I miss a birthday, anniversary, or info wrong in this newsletter, please let me know. 360-679-7936 Thanks!


It is my main goal in regards to the newsletter, to complete it, mail it, and be on the website by or before the 15th of the month. I would like to receive committee reports via email or on paper at the monthly meetings and/or by the Friday following the monthly meeting. Thanks again.




Each meeting our new Vice President Harry Abbott requested a minute to share an important, profound, philosophical message, antidote, or just something funny with the membership.


Tonight's VP Minute is brought to you by "Corporate Greed", and sponsored in part by Ford and CEO Alan Mullahly when asked at the congressional hearings about his 22 million dollar salary said he didn't want to work for a dollar like his cohorts sitting next to him, but actually said. "I think I'm okay where I am". One of Harry's favorite poems, maybe you'll see some similarities in what's going on in the world or maybe not, here goes:


                JOE HELLER


True story, Word of Honor:

Joseph Heller, an important and funny writer

Now dead,

And I were at a party given by a billionaire

On Shelter Island.

I said, "Joe, how does it make you feel

To know that our host only yesterday

May have made more money

Than your novel 'Catch-22'

Has earned in its entire history?"

And Joe said, "I've got something he can never have."

And I said, "What on earth could that be, Joe?"

And Joe said, "The knowledge that I've got enough."

Not bad! Rest in peace!


-Kurt Vonnegut




It is 2009 and we are off and running. Let's get those cars out of the garage and on the road. I am excited and proud to be representing the Whidbey Cruzers as President this year. I have been a member since 2000 and previously served as President in 2004. This club is full of great people with diverse backgrounds, boundless skills, knowledge, and life experience. We are all connected because of our common love of or interest in the automobile and my focus this year will be to put the car back into car club. Let's drive em, show them, work on them, and socialize around them. Every time we are behind the wheel we take out a piece of American history, ours and others who appreciate our rides as much as we do. My car requires a smile to drive; I see and feel Bev sitting beside me when I was 17, I see the world when it was a kinder gentler place, I see my parents young again, my friends hanging at Kow Korner, Dion and the Belmonts playing on KJR 950. I remember the anticipation and excitement every Sept when the new cars were unveiled. Steel and Chrome, I loved it then, I love it now. Enjoy your rides, your friends, and family and have a great 2009!

Thanks to the 102 members who showed up tonight for our first meeting of the year. Harry, Joan, Jim, Gail and I appreciate your trusting us to serve on your board and represent you.


Spin them tires, Prez Bill


























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